Chapter 1

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"Bellamy, where are you headed?" His roommate called, hearing him slam things around getting his stuff together.

"To the library, I placed an order three days ago for a handful of books and haven't received an email telling me they put the order in yet. Something about a possible delay because there being a new librarian. I need them to finish this grad paper and I was told it would be a quick process." He replied hostile, grabbing his sunglasses and hat. Miller shook his head, smirking.

"Well try not to yell at the little old lady that works there, I'll be at the basketball court." He said grabbing his gym bag. They walked down the street together, Miller could feel the anxiety radiating off of Bellamy.

"Good luck" he offered when they split ways at the park.

Another block over and Bellamy was headed up the stairs to the library, opening the door and heading for the front desk with a purpose. He fully intended to give someone a piece of his mind, this was his future they were playing with and he was pissed.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A voice called rounding the desk. He recognized her as one of usual girls he saw returning books to there spots on the shelves. Her name tag read 'Charlotte'

"I ordered books, just wanted to check the status, I need them immediately" He answered, his tone a little louder then he thought. Various people turned to see who it was making a scene.

"And you are?" she asked looking up from the computer she was now seated at.

"Bellamy Blake" he replied watching her focus on the screen in front of her.

"I don't see anything here, that says you even put an order in" she replied quietly clicking on a few more icons searching again.

"Well look harder, here is the receipt" he said slamming a paper down on the counter. She jumped slightly sliding the receipt off the counter.

"Sir, you need to calm down, I will look, but you yelling at me isn't going to make me find it easier."she replied nervously staring up at him.

"I can't calm down, my whole grad paper is riding on this and I can't do it without the damn books" he voice was lower then the previous time but still filled with venom. She just nodded diverting her attention back to the computer. She scanned numerous orders, titles, and transactions and still couldn't find his. He watched her sigh before meeting his eyes.

"It's not here" her voice was barely audible, he could see her tense, instantly sending a wave a guilt through him.

"Okay, well how about your new Librarian, where Can I find her or him?" he asked, using a tone more friendly this time. The girl glanced at the clock then back to him.

"Ms. Griffin will be here in fifteen minutes, would you like to leave a message or would you like to wait?"

"I'll be back to see her" he said heading for the door.


Clarke was standing in line at the coffee shop, silently hoping the lady in front of her would decide on a flavor shot for her coffee. She looked down at her watch for the third time as she waited. She heard the bell over the door chime behind her. She turned slightly making eye contact with the darkest most intense brown eyes she has ever seen, she forced herself to look away. Whoever he was, he was ruggedly handsome, and the brief eye contact made her heart race. She smiled seeing the lady ahead of her finally make her choice.

"Next" The cashier called.

"Yes, can I get a vanilla soy latte" Clarke asked.

"Of course, that will be $4.50" he replied opening his drawer and taking the money from her.

She waited patiently as he made her drink.

"You new around here?" a deep voice sounded behind her.

She turned meeting his dark eyes again.

"Yea just moved into town" she replied

"I'm Bellamy" he extended his hand to her.

"Clarke, Nice to meet you" she shook his hand.

"Orders up" The cashier stated.

"Oh, thank you, Bellamy it was nice meeting you, I'm late to work, have a great day" she smiled giving him a small wave before heading out the door.

Bellamy gave them his order and turned to watch her walk across the street. She was beautiful and he was not blind. He turned to look at the cashier.

"She come in here a lot?" Bellamy asked

"Every day the past week around nine, nine thirty, then again around three" He answered

"She seems nice" Bellamy added.

"Yup, you and the rest of the towns single male population has the same opinion" he replied with a smirk.

"I can see how she doesn't go unnoticed"

"It's a rare occasion she pays for her own coffee" he laughed handing Bellamy his cup.

"Thanks" Bellamy said taking a sip on his way to the door. He checked his watch, by now the new librarian should be in. He walked back across the street and down the block a few doors before heading up the steps for the second time today.


"Ms. Griffin, a customer was here earlier, and he was not too impressed, he ordered books and has yet to receive them, the receipt is here, but I couldn't find them, he should be back any second, he was a bit hostile" Charlotte said handing her the receipt.

"I'll check the back, page me when he gets here, the system took all the orders just didn't send specific orders together so i'll have to sort through the books and get the ones out on this list." She replied headed for the back.

She had went through three of the seven boxes and had only found one book of the five he ordered, box four revealed none, box five none, box six had two of them in it, and she relaxed a bit when she found the remaining two on the bottom of box seven. She double checked the order and the books.

"Aha!" she said out loud picking them all off and heading out into the library.

"Okay so where is this great new librarian" She guessed that must be her hostile customer who's voice was carrying through the quiet aisles of books. Then she heard the page from Charlotte.

"Ms. Griffin to the front desk please" she smirked to herself, knowing her guess was correct.

She rounded the corner seeing the man she just mean moments ago.

"Bellamy?" she questioned.

"Clarke?, you work here?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm the great new librarian" she smiled at the look on his face.

"Here's your books" She said setting them on the desk.

'Um, Thank you" He replied. She watched him rub the back of his neck, barely meeting her eyes.

"Yup, and no harassing the help or you won't be welcome, the next library is an hour away you know" She watched his eyes shoot to hers, Charlotte couldn't help but smile.

"You have a great day Mr. Blake" Charlotte said making her way over to her book cart.

"Yes, Mr. Blake, You have a great day" Clarke stated with a smile.

"You too, Charlotte, Ms. Griffin" He said evenly, putting emphasis on the formal use of Clarke's name, before pulling his books off the counter and walking out the door.

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