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- thirteen

sehun called me first. i rushed to comb my hair with my fingers for a quick two seconds before inserting my earphones into my ears and tapping the answer button.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," were sehun's first words. "you're like, really pretty. i can't do this." he used his hand to cover his face, probably of embarrassment.

"this is really exciting." i released a laugh.

sehun separated two fingers to show his eyes. "i look ugly today."

"no, you don't! i only saw your whole face for about five seconds, but you look cool. calm down, fam."

he heaved out a sigh and slowly removed his hand from his face. "it me."

"it you," i repeated. "you look nice, dude," i complimented.

"thanks, prostitute."

"STOP!" i barked, glaring at him angrily. "you went from really cute to really obnoxious in seconds."

"so.. am i gonna get my money back?" he questioned, a little more quietly.

through text, it was easier to say 'no,' but now, there was no way i could say it to his face. "uh," i choked out after several moment of thinking. "yeah."

"please! i want my mo-wait. did you say yes?"

"yeah." i nodded. "but only if we go along with the deal!"

he released a long groan. "i'll do it for you. cause you're cool," he said. "and pretty," he said in more of a whisper-like voice, but i still heard it. "also, can you tell me what the deal was again? i forgot."

"i go to busan, we go to a party together and not have sex. then i give you half, i think."

"normally, i'd say no to getting only half, but since we're friends and all, i'll let you have half," he explained.

"lit!" i exclaimed. "time to get ready for busan!"

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