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- thirty

thanks to packing the day before, it wasn't a hectic morning at all. i was drowning in excitement as sehun and i carried our bags to the car. i had three, while he only had two.

"are you ready?" sehun asked upon entering his car. i entered after he did.

"no, i'm jinah," i joked, aware of the fact that he would be bothered by it.

as sehun reached reached for his seatbelt, he groaned, while i laughed as i reached for mine.

"then we're off to seoul!"sehun exclaimed joyfully as he started the car.


the first hour was full of excitement, singing (though his singing was not the best), and cheering. the second was full of the same, but just a little less. the third hour was mostly quiet, considering i was starting to fall asleep.

and at the fourth hour, we arrived.

"jinah! we're here!" sehun called, waking me up from my nap.

slowly, i raised my head to look around. "isn't it seven hours?"

"that's if you take stops, rests, and have a shitty car."

"oh." i rubbed my eyes.

"do you recognize anything here?" he questioned.

while he kept driving forwards, i took a good look out the windows. i recognized the italian restuarant , and the large supermarket. we were not too far from my house.

i nodded to his question. "yeah, actually. my house is nearby! but first, let's pass by my sister's house to get toto. it's closer to where we are."

"yes! toto! i'm ready!" sehun cheered, jumping a little in his seat.

"chill! don't crash and have us die!"

"whoops. put the address in the gps!"

i proceeded to do so, and immediately, we were on our way to minah's house.

when we arrived, we spent a little bit of time at her house. sehun met minah, her husband jaebum, and toto.

as i predicted, sehun got along very well with toto. it made me a little jealous that toto got along with most people expect me.

but no matter how much toto disliked me, he was coming with us, which was not that bad of a thing since toto would be with sehun.

sehun and i ate a large meal which chef minah cooked, and it was evening when we left her house.

"what'd you think of my sister?" i asked him, smiling and expecting a good answer.

"she was cool and good. her husband is my homie now," sehun answered as we drove into my neighborhood. "so, where's your house?"

"turn left and keep going straight until you get to the last house."

he followed my directions and finally, we arrived to my house which i missed more than anything. i was dying to go inside, unpack my bags and just lay in my bed for hours. this time, with sehun.

sehun complimented the color of my house, the fountain outside, the glass on the windows, and just everything.

after i thanked him, he opened up the trunk so the two of us could get our bags are carry them in. but being a gentleman, sehun offered to carry my bags for me. i declined his offer at first, but he convinced me.

upon unlocking my door and entering, i felt a strike of happiness hit me. home sweet home.

"your house is nice. it seems very comfortable. you don't often lose your stuff here, right?" sehun scanned the entrance of my house.

"not really. i'll give you a tour now, okay?"

i started from the living room, then to the kitchen, and the other important rooms downstairs before heading upstairs and showing him the other rooms and the balcony.

"this is lit," he commented once the house tour came to an end.

"your house is litter. i mean, not litter but more lit. litter is bad."

"mine is too big. i wanted a smaller one to avoid paying for a housekeeper. also, it gets a little creepy at night," he explained.

"so, you're saying you'd rather live in a house like mine instead?"

sehun nodded his head. "it seems way easier to maintain. also, you can't get lost in a house like this."


"i'm tired." sehun groaned.

"me too," i drawled. "i feel like butt."

"should we unpack now before we start getting more tired or should we just leave it for tomorrow?"

"i wanna sleep. i'm leaving it for tomorrow."

"okay, same."


a/n; this story used to be rly funny idk what happened hehjrskrjelrb

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