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-twenty eight

unfortunately, the chat died instantly once the participants started going to bed. the reason why it was unfortunate for me was because it was the only thing entertaining me so late at night and once i wake up, there was no going back to sleep.

once i set my phone on the table, i decided to call for sehun, hoping he wasn't asleep.

"yo," i called from my side of the wall. after receiving no response, i figured maybe i wasn't loud enough. "yo," i called louder. "are you awake?"

"yeah," he replied. his voice didn't sound sleepy nor tired, so i knew i hadn't woken him up. "are you?"

sighing, i rolled my eyes. "no, i'm not. that's why i'm talking to you."

"wha-oh, wait."

"you're so stupid."

"let me live!"

laughter escaped my mouth. "anyways, what are you up to?"

"sims 4," he answered proudly.

i let out a groan-a purposely loud one; i wanted sehun to hear it well. "you and your stupid sims 4!"

"at least i don't play mystic messenger."

"i haven't played that in like two days! i deleted the app!"

after a few seconds of silence, my room's door swung open, and i saw sehun in his usual sleepwear. his arms were crossed and his eyebrow was exaggeratedly raised. "so this is the first lie in the relationship. i saw you flirting with yoosung yesterday!"

my lips parted. "is this a joke?"

instantly, sehun's expression went back to his smiley one. "yeah." he laughed before walking over to me and sitting on the bed, beside me.

"wait, where's vivi?" i asked.

"my mom came to pick him up while you were napping earlier. i was sad that you didn't get to say goodbye."

"oh." i nodded. "i'm leaving tomorrow morning, by the way," i reminded him with a sullen look painted on my face. "like, not this upcoming morning but the next one."

"i know. i was thinking about that as i created a new sim on sims 4," he mentioned.

"oh, my g-"

"get a refund on your ticket," he suddenly demanded, interrupting my whine.

raising a brow, i turned my neck to face him. "excuse me?"

"don't go on the plane back to seoul."

"sehun, i already told you i can't stay here in busan."

"who said you're staying?" he interrupted.


as a smile formed on his face, he kept eye contact. "we're gonna have cute boyfriend-girlfriend bonding time, and we'll drive to seoul together. in my car, of course."

my eyes popped open. "seriously?!"

a nod with a smile was his response.

"so, you and i are going to be on the road together for about seven hours? and then you're coming to stay with me in seoul?!"

once again, he nodded. "yep! i'll try to stay as long as i can. i hope you have a dog, though. if not, i'm not going."

"i do. his name is toto and he's fat."

"perfect." sehun stifled a chuckle.

"but my house isn't as big as yours, so i hope you don't feel so uncomfortable," i warned him. "i have an available room, though. a pool and a large backyard, too, but not three floors. just two."

"you only have one available room yet you have two floors?" sehun questioned.

"well, the house actually has three bedrooms. one is mine and one is toto's," i explained with a tinge of embarrassment. i had hoped he didn't think i was strange for having a room just for my dog. but luckily, he didn't seem to think too much of it. after all, i felt like he would be the type to do the same for vivi.

"i'd rather sleep with you," he confidently said, which made me raise my head back up to look at him. instead of saying anything else or waiting for a response from me, he went in to leave a small kiss on my lips. "of course, if that's okay with you."

"it's more than okay," i told him, beaming up at him.

"cool and good. you should sleep now, though, so that once the afternoon hits, we can pack up and stuff like that," sehun said as he stood up from my bed.

"okay. are you going to sleep, too?" i asked to which he nodded. "it's like five in the morning, but good night anyways."

"good night, cutie."


a/n; dis ending soon ))))): but not too soon so donut worry!!

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