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upon arriving at busan, i immediately slid my phone out of my pocket and called sehun. the call was brief; i told him i had arrived and was at the airport, and i listened to him screech about how nervous he was until he then told me he was on his way to get me.

to avoid being uncomfortable and being called a prostitute by sehun, i made sure to wear something casual: blue skinny jeans, a tank top, and my adidas superstars. but i had nicer clothes in my bag, which wasn't too big, considering i was only a few hours from home and i'd be staying for no more than a few days.

as i waited for sehun's arrival, i bought myself some coffee from the café the airport had. i needed it, anyway. i hardly slept the night before and i couldn't get myself to fall asleep in the short plane ride. maybe because i was excited to meet sehun?

just as i was about to sit down on a bench after i felt my legs began to get tired, i heard a deep voice exclaim, "im jinah! i mean-no, i'm sehun. ugh! i hate this!" his voice was deeper in person.

i turned my neck towards the direction in which the voice came from and i saw a tall figure looking around. he wore a black hoodie, grey joggers and some nike sneakers. i'm guessing that's how rich people dress?

"sehun!" i happily called, trotting over to him. even with the one-inch boost of my shoes, the height difference between us was incredible. i figured he was no less than six feet tall.

"what the-you don't look like a pros-escort, i mean."

"well what do you expect an escort to wear? nothing? lingerie?"

"pretty much."

"oh my god." i sighed, rolling my eyes.

sehun chuckled. "you look nice, though. you're prettier in person. and shorter, too."

"thanks, i think?," i said, unsure of how to give an answer to both statements. "so, where are we going?"

sehun shrugged. "i don't know. do you know where you're staying?"

pursing my lips, i shook my head. "no," i answered.

"i have a few extra rooms at my house. you can stay there if you want," he offered.

i raised a brow. "are you sure?"

he nodded with a small smile on his face. "yeah, of course."

"cool and good." i laughed.

we left the airport together and walked to his car, which was, in fact, a lamborghini. i wasn't surprised when we had to spend about twenty minutes searching for his car because his dumb self forgot where he parked it, though. but once we found it, he raised the doors so we can enter the car. it was clean and smelled nice.

"is your house far from here?"

"not really," sehun responded before turning to look at me. "wanna get something to eat from taco bell or something first?"

"no, it's okay." i shook my head. "i got myself some coffee earlier."

"did you get a chocolate chip cookie as well?" he asked.

i furrowed my brows. "how'd you know?"

"you have some chocolate by your mouth," he said before bringing his thumb over to my face to wipe off the piece of chocolate. his fingertip brushed lightly against my lip, leaving my heart accelerated.

"oh, did i?"

"yeah." he nodded until suddenly, his eyes popped open. "unless that was poop." he then proceeded to frantically wipe the chocolate-not poop-on my jeans.

how great.

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