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sehun took forever. i spent about ten minutes for him to finally come down to the pool but i understood. the house was large; he probably got lost like i did.

i stood in front of the pool, waiting, wrapped in my dry, pink towel. it was a little chilly out, considering it was 1 in the morning. i had hoped the pool water wasn't just as cold, but i planned to make sehun check first.

but that plan didn't work out.

taking me by surprise, sehun's hands made contact with my shoulders, pushing me into the pool with a loud scream. as i expected, the water was cold-no, it was freezing.

"you little shit!" i grunted. my towel, my only towel, had fallen in with me and was floating in the water. thanks, sehun.

sehun couldn't help but laugh. i think he even wheezed a few times. i did nothing but angrily glare at him until i decided he wouldn't stop laughing.

so i wanted revenge. i swam to the edge and mischievously chuckled before grabbing his ankles and pulling him in to join me. then he was in with his t-shirt on and everything.

"hey, you're the twenty-four year old! why are you being so immature? geez." sehun scoffed playfully before using his fingers to brush away the wet hair strands stuck onto his forehead.

"you're twenty-one! if i should be mature, then you should, too."

"okay, then we're immature together," sehun said, raising his fist for a fist bump.

i smiled as i fist bumped him. i really felt like we were getting close. who knew this would happen?

"are you ever gonna take off your t-shirt?" i asked, a little hesitant.

"why? are you desperate to see these lit abs?" he winked.

"lit abs?" i scoffed. "more like lit on fire and turned into ashes because they're not there."

sehun's eyes narrowed. "oh, really?" he then proceeded to strip off his white t-shirt, which made me gasp slightly.

then it was off, and thrown onto the patio floor.

"oh." i raised my eyebrows in a mix of surprise and amusement.

"are you taking back what you said?" he smirked.

i nodded. "yeah. those abs are cool and good."

"oh my god! it's not the time for memes!" sehun whined.

"it's always a time for memes," i said before splashing his face with water and swimming away to the steep side of the pool.

after sehun angrily wiped his face, he swam over to me and sat down on the pool steps next to me. our upper bodies were exposed to the air, while our lower bodies remained underwater. in the few seconds of silence between us, i took advantage of the fact that sehun wasn't looking at me, and i fixed my bikini top so that no accident would happen.

"hey," sehun said, breaking the silence.


"you're hot," he stated suddenly.

"you too," i quickly responded.

"well, since we both think this way, do you wanna-"

"sehun, my boy!" a few unfamiliar voices called in sync.

sehun and i both gave each other odd looks until three other guys jumped over the fence which divided sehun's house and his neighbors' house.

one of them i recognized to be chanyeol. that, i was sure of. i could never forget those tall legs and big ears. the other looked a little like sehun's friend, baekhyun. but i wasn't familiar with the other one.

sehun sighed, massaging his temples. "oh, god, not them! not now!" i heard him whisper to himself.

"who are they?" i asked, thinking my voice was loud enough for only sehun to hear, but i guess not.

"i'm glad you asked! i'm jongdae, this is baekhyun, and that's ugly."

chanyeol had a smile on his face despite jongdae's rude joke until his eyes fell on me. "im jinah?"

"no, you're chanyeol," sehun said.

i laughed. "whats up, tinydick?"

the others except chanyeol bursted into laughter at my new nickname for him.

"how do you guys know each other?" baekhyun asked chanyeol and me, stripping off his t-shirt and throwing himself into the pool.

"we met a long time ago at my job," i answered.

"what's your job?" jongdae then asked as he entered the pool as well, not caring about his clothes getting wet.

before answering his question, i stole a brief glance at sehun. he looked bothered to have his friends invite themselves into his house. but i also wondered what he was going to ask me before they interrupted him.

"i'm a-"

"waitress," chanyeol quickly said. "she's a waitress." he gave me a hard glare. "right?"

awkwardly, i nodded. "yeah."

"so, sehun," baekhyun began, "is this your girlfriend? she's hot." i smiled a little at the compliment.

sehun shook his head. "no, she's just my friend from seoul. she's gonna be here for a few days, so she's staying at my house for a while. and yeah, she is hot."

for some odd reason, sehun complimenting me while we were alone didn't have that great of an effect like when he did around his friends. i felt my cheeks heat up a little, but thankfully, he wasn't looking.

"why are you guys even here?" sehun whined.

chanyeol laughed. "are you bothered?"

sehun nodded.

"why? you finna bust a nut?" baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows.

"oh my god no!"

"you want us to leave that badly?" jongdae asked.

once again, sehun nodded.

most girls in this situation would defend sehun but i couldn't help but laugh. their friendship was interesting to me.

"fine," chanyeol breathed out. "boys, let's go home. let's leave adam and eve alone."

the three then exited the pool in a disappointed state and climbed the fence again, back to their house.

"why'd you make them leave?" i inquired once i saw that baekhyun, jongdae and chanyeol were out of sight.

"they always embarrass me."

"oh. i get you," i said. "so, what were you gonna ask me before they arrived?"

"nothing. it's not important anymore." sehun slanted his lips.

"are you sure?"


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