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-twenty two

the morning of day three started off nice. i woke to open curtains, letting in the sun's bright light. that good feeling lasted for a few minutes until i entered the bathroom and glanced at the mirror, followed by a scream.

'i'm a prostitute' was written across my forehead, and 'poo nuget' written on my chin with a black marker. i had hoped it wasn't permanent.

youre fucking


omg i hate u sO

we were supposed to
go to the mall today but
i sweAR im not going if
this shit doesn't come off

lets hope it doesn't


ill get my revenge

luckily, sehun was dumb enough to use a crayola washable marker rather than a sharpie permanent marker. it come off instantly. dumbass.

that day, he and i didn't do much. due to rain, we couldn't go to the mall, so we hung out together for a while before going to our separate rooms to do our own things. that gave me time to plan my revenge. i didn't want anything too big, because then he would want to get back at me, and it would just be an endless cycle of getting back at each other.

eventually, i came to a decision to do the same exact thing, but using other words. nothing too extreme.

once nighttime came, i was eager for sehun to fall asleep. i wanted to write 'kiss my ass' on his forehead. i figured it was something simple, but here's the bad part: i had a sharpie permanent marker.

around midnight was when i heard no more noises of the television or his laughter coming from his room. that was what made me believe he was asleep by then.


i slowly opened his room's door, trying to be as quiet as possible because the last thing i wanted was to get caught by sehun. tiptoeing, i made my way to his bed, where he laid and i kneeled down on the floor beside him. his eyes were closed. he looked peaceful (and hot).

a mischievous type of excitement ran all around my inside as i uncapped the marker.i brought my hand up to finally do what i had planned.

but suddenly and unexpectedly, that failed. i was frozen and shitting bricks the moment sehun grabbed my wrist, stopping me from writing on his face, and opened his eyes.

"what are you doing?" sehun questioned, bringing my hand down before releasing his grip on my wrist.

oh, you know. just writing 'kiss my ass' on your face with a permanent marker, would have been the truthful answer. but, me being me, i said, "nothing."

"obviously, it's not nothing," he said. he seemed more serious than usual. was he genuinely angry or was he just sleepy? either way, it was intimidating.

i pursed my lips before sighing. "i was gonna get revenge," i gave in.

"what were you gonna write?" sehun asked as he sat up on his bed. the hair on the back of his head was messy. i noticed this while i tried to avoid eye contact by looking around.

before answering his question, i rose up and sat next to him on his bed. "uh." i was going to lie, but honesty always wins. "i was gonna write... kiss my ass."

sehun stifled a chuckle. "seriously?"

"yeah. you wrote that i'm a prostitute, anyways!"

"i guess you're right."


there was a moment of silence between us for a couple of seconds until sehun broke it when he said, "oh, by the way..." he stopped for a moment, as if he were contemplating whether he should spit out his words or not.

"by the way what?" i raised a brow.

"i'd rather kiss your lips rather than your ass, but whatever."

oh, how glad i was that there was not enough light in the room to see the redness in my face again. i had mixed feelings about his words: shocked, excited, confused and more.

"excuse me?"

"if you're not gonna understand when i use words, i guess i'll just demonstrate." without giving me any time to let it sink in, he used a hand to bring my face closer to his, digging his fingers into my hair. and without another warning, his soft lips were meeting mine in a slow motion as he closed his eyes. a knot in my stomach from just a few seconds prior finally loosened and all i felt was an eruption of positive emotions.

as the kiss grew deeper, i began feeling more comfortable. i then proceeded to close my eyes and just enjoy.

i had kissed tons of guys before, but this was different. these were genuine feelings i felt towards oh sehun. it wasn't for money or anything. in fact, as that moment, i had completely forgot about the millions of won sehun and i were fighting over.

not that i wanted anything further, but i felt a little disappointed once sehun broke away from the kiss. i eventually got so into it that i lost track of time and didn't even realize it had gone on for over two minutes.

i was too shocked to say anything, but i didn't need to. sehun leaned over to whisper something into my ear.

"i think you should go to bed now, babygirl," he breathed out, causing a hammering against my chest. "we don't want anything crazier to happen, do we?"

"oh, uh," i stuttered. "okay. goodnight!" i awkwardly said before sending myself off to my room next-door with a grin.

i was happy.

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