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-twenty three

the moment i entered my room, the reason for my trip to busan came to mind: the deal, or more specifically, the money. by then, i didn't much care for it. i wanted sehun himself more than the money.

collapsing onto my bed, i groaned at my thoughts. why did he stop? he seemed to want more, so there must have been a-

wait. if he and i don't have sex, then he keeps the money. he stopped so that he can keep the money, didn't he? so he preferred the money over me. maybe he doesn't actually like me the way i like him. if i let him keep the money, he'll obviously only have sex with me because he has no worries about losing the money. ugh. i guess this is what a one-sided love f-

"hey, jinah," i heard sehun's voice call from his room. i was then aware of how thin the walls were if i would hear his voice so clear. "are you awake?"

"how do you expect me to sleep so quickly after what just happened?"

"i guess you're right," he said. "i can't really get myself to fall asleep either."

i began to wonder. if he was unable to sleep because of what had occurred, did that mean he actually felt something towards me?

i heard him let out a sort of giggle.

"why are you laughing?" i asked. my voice echoed in the room. it was a good thing. i was being loud enough for him to hear me.

"it's kinda like we're talking on the phone."

"i don't get why that's funny," i mentioned.

"neither do i." he laughed a bit harder. "i don't know what's wrong with me. suddenly, i'm just happy and i'm laughing at everything. perha-"


"no! i made a promise when i was ten years old that i would never do drugs!" i heard him grunt.

"oh." i snorted. "what were you gonna say, then?"

"i think i'm just in love with you."

i froze. i literally just stood there, lips parted and eyes widened. "sehun, don't play around like that," was what i managed to spit out. "it's not cool and good to play around with my feelings like that."

"ah, so you really do have feelings for me?" i could almost feel him raising his head triumphantly just by hearing the tone of his voice. "i wasn't playing around, though. you kinda make me feel all gushy inside, and you make me really happy. no one's ever made me feel that way before."

at that moment, i couldn't get myself to say anything. i was too drowned in shock to respond.

"oh, did you fall asleep?"

"no, no! i'm just... shocked? happy? i don't even know."

"i'm tired of having to speak so loudly," he whined. "just come back to my room.""

"you were the one who told me to leave your room and come to mine a few moments ago!"

"well, now i'm the one telling you to come back."

i released a loud sigh. a purposely loud one to make sure he heard it. "be there in five. five seconds, i mean." as i counted down the five seconds in my mind, i sprinted out of my room, and entered his. "lord jinah is here!"

sehun was comfortably sitting in his little couch beside his bed. "yo, yo, yo. wanna play monopoly?"

"i honestly thought you were gonna ask if i was down to fuck, but yeah, monopoly is fun."

"we can fuck, too."

"but... monopoly."

"why not both?"



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