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day two:

the morning was... actually, i wouldn't know, and neither would sehun. when i woke up, it was one in the afternoon. when sehun woke up, it was almost two.

as a repayment for sehun being so generous and letting me stay at his house rather than leaving me at a hotel, i took advantage of the time that he was asleep to make him breakfast. kind of.

what i had in mind was a large plate with a typical korean breakfast, but two problems: one, i didn't know how to cook anything other than ramen, and two, i didn't know where everything was.

therefore, i just made him a sandwich. a type of sandwich i had always loved every since i was a child. white bread, mayonnaise, mustard, mozzarella cheese, and potato sticks.

the moment sehun came down the stairs to the kitchen on the first floor, i greeted him with a loud-yet cute,- "good morning!"

he smiled a bit. "morning."

"i made you br-food."

he looked at the small, round glass table his left after his fingers traveled to his eyes to give them a good wake-up rub. "a sandwich?"

i nodded. "i can't really cook, so sorry. do you wanna cook something instead? i feel like you'd be good at cooking."

sehun snorted at my words. "i wish. come on, let's eat."

a grin creeped upon my face. i was glad he enjoyed the fact that i made him a sandwich. i was also glad to hear afterwards that he found it tasty.

"so, what are we gonna do today?" i asked after the both of us finished eating.

sehun shrugged, slumping back in his seat. "i don't know. what do you wanna do, princess?"


i wish i could have hid the color in my cheeks upon hearing the nickname, but i couldn't. and luckily, sehun didn't mention it either. i guessed he didn't notice, but how could he have not noticed how red i was?

i was almost tired of hearing my customers call me that (and worse), and it never had effect on me. but why did sehun make it so exciting for me? how come hearing it from him made something erupt inside me?

"uh, i don't know," i hesitated to say. "what do you wanna do?"

"lots of things, but i'd rather not mention it."

i raised a brow. "mention it," i commanded, but not in an angry way.

a sigh came out of sehun's mouth. "i want to... play sims 4."

i rolled my eyes. "is that what you wanted to say?"

he nodded.

"you and your stupid sims 4." i laughed.

"at least i'm not a prostitute."

i gasped. "sehun!" i cried out, crossing my arms on my chest with rage. "i'm not a prostitute!"

upon seeing my negative reaction to what was supposed to be one of his jokes, sehun got up from his seat and neared me. "wait, i was joking! don't be mad!"

he kneeled down next to my seat and smiled. his arm was rested lightly on my thigh, due to the fact that the seats has no arm rests. "i know you're not really a prostitute. calm down. i do it to annoy you."

"stop annoying me!"

"but annoying everyone is my thing."

"but i'm not everyone."

"you're right." sehun nodded. "you're a princess."

i felt it again. the eruption inside me. i created eye contact and smiled. hopefully, one day he'll call me his princess.

"so, you'll stop?" i asked.

"no promises," he sang as he stood up.

i grunted. "whatever. so, seriously, what are we gonna do today?"

"anything you want. i'm gonna go shower. let me know what you wanna do when i get out," sehun told me, heading towards the stairs. "wanna join?" he winked, followed by a laugh.


"it's just a prank, bro. i'm kidding."

i kind of wished he wasn't. for the money, of course. not to satisfy him. i swear. i have no interest in him.

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