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— thirty one ;; final

the next morning, i woke up alone in my bed, which was not how i went to bed. beside me was slightly warm, so i knew it wasn't long since sehun got up.

"bitch, where are you?" i called as i sat up and rubbed my eyes. the door was open, which was a big help.

"up your ass," i heard his voice from nearby.

"cool and good." i giggled. "but where are you?"

"in your house," he responded to which i rolled my eyes.

"okay... but where?"

"i'm out in the corridor, drawing you a picture," he answered.

"of what?"

"of you."

quickly, i hopped out of bed and rushed to the corridor until i saw sehun standing in front of an old picture of me with a sketchbook and a pencil.

"can i see?" i asked him, trying to sneak a peek of the drawing.

smiling, sehun handed me the sketchbook.

curiously, i took it and my eyes laid on the portrait.

curiously, i took it and my eyes laid on the portrait

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"what?! that's not me!" i fumed.

sehun wheezed. "yes, it is!"

"why does my shirt say 'jinah loves sehun'?!"

"because you do!" he fired back, laughing. "but take a look at the back of the page."

i flipped the page. knowing sehun, i expected something even dumber than the drawing he gave me. but no.

on the back was a handwritten message—or more like essay.

"before you start," sehun said, disrupting me from reading the first word. "i'm gonna leave because i'll get red and awkward, so... peace!" and before i could say anything, he scurried downstairs and i could no longer see him.

his action made me wonder what he had written. so, i began once again.

im jinah. wait, no, i'm sehun. i really hate your last name. that's why i plan to make you oh jinah. but don't worry, yo, i won't rush into anything. for now, it'll only be cutesy and sexy.

i snorted from holding in my laughter. cutesy and sexy? what a great start.

anyways, there's no special day coming up for me to be doing this but i'm doing this because i want to. you're a super cool and good ex-prostitute who came into my life by accident. i hated chanyeol at first for making me waste so much money on a thing i didn't even know about, but now, i'm so grateful. omg, how will we explain how we met to our future kids, sehun jr. and cool and good?

i rolled my eyes. as if i would actually allow him to name our children cool and good. but sehun jr. seemed interesting.

that's not important right now, though. we just started dating!! but you really butter my biscuit.


you're super pretty and super nice and super cool and super entertaining and just super perfect.

i really, really like you and i feel so lit to actually have you as my girlfriend.

a smiled creeped onto my face.

that's right, my type, my cutie, my princess, my ugly, my cool and good person, my buttface, my hottie, my stupid, my babygirl, my girlfriend, my poophead...

and the nicknames went on. i grinned as i continued to read them until i heard footsteps behind me once i was at the end. i turned my head just to see sehun with an expression of happiness. without any words, he went in directly to wrap his arms around me, enveloping me in a tight embrace.

"it was really cute. except when you called me a poophead and stuff." i giggled.

"but you're my poophead, and my ugly. so, it's different."

"you're right. and you're my meme."

he loosed his arms around me as he chuckled before stealing a quick kiss.

"i was going to include this in the letter, but i think the first time is better in person," sehun began. "i love you."

"i love you too."

"i love toto, also."

"i do, too."


a/n; so sad ab ending this omg but its about time. i hope you all enjoyed this story even though it started off as comedy then drifted off into a more of a romance ff.

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