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- twenty five

hey, mr. han. i know this
would have been better to
be discussed in person,
but as you may know, i am
currently in busan. the
reason i'm sending you this
message is because i'd like
to let you know i am officially
quitting due to personal
reasons. sorry.

what?! but you're the
most successful escort!

well not anymore lmao im outtie

but why are you quitting?

i called it personal
reasons for a reason

well, i can't really stop you.
i hope it's nothing bad, and i
wish you best.

thx bye


i didn't have a source of money now, but i had felt i did the right thing. it's not easy nor often the person you like and you share mutual feelings. if i had waited those four years i needed to graduate, who knows what could have happened?

when i cheerfully rushed downstairs, i saw sehun playing catch with vivi. they both looked like they were having fun, and to me, it was adorable. i could tell sehun was an animal lover.

"guess who's not an escort anymore!" i sang as i entered the living room in which sehun and vivi were.

sehun's paused his actions and turned to look at me. "my new girlfriend, i'm guessing?"

"yes, sir!" i beamed. but suddenly, an important topic crossed my mind again. "oh, also, you probably don't want to discuss this-and neither do i, really,-but what happens with the money? i was thinking just simply giving it back to you, since it belongs to you. we did have sex, so according to the deal, it's mine, but i didn't have sex with you for the money, i did it just because i'm in love with you."

sehun slanted his lips in a somewhat disappointed way. "normally, i'd just take it back, but i feel bad that you're jobless because of me," he explained. "so how about splitting it in half as i suggested a while back?"

"damn, okay. thanks, fam."

"fam? we're kinda dating now so you have to call me something cute." sehun crossed his arms on his chest.

rolling my eyes, i exhaled a long breath. "something cute?"

a nod was his response.

"well, you're cute, so i'll just simply call you by your name." i smiled up at him.

"you're fucking smooth."

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