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You hear them before you see them, their loud laughs and shouting is echoing through the corridors. Some of the students turn so they're facing the lockers so they won't risk getting eye contact with them. Apparently last year there was this one kid who looked at them the wrong way and they beat him up so badly that he had to go to the hospital.

I used to think that it was just rumors that people made up about them, because no one could ever be that cruel right?

Well turns out I was wrong, they play with fire and when something accidently is put in flames they just laugh and let it burn.

They are the people that every girl wants to be with, they are the guys who every girl wish they could change... I wanted to change him... but I wasn't the girl for him... I'm not even a girl so I don't understand why I thought I could even try.

You think that maybe they will fall in love with you and they will change, but the thing is they don't fall in love. You won't get your happy ever after with them. You will just be one of everyone, you will be that person they laugh at because you actually thought you could change them...

I can't believe how naïve I was, how I thought I could change him. He don't feel, it's just an act.

And the worst part of it all is that when they pass you in the corridor they don't even look at you. They make you feel special for a while and then they drop you leaving you more broken than before.

"Niall you fucker!" His voice is still the same voice, the voice who used to whisper sweet nothings in my ear. But that won't happen again, he won't ever even talk to me again.

I don't want to look at them because once I called them my friends. I dumped my other friends when they wanted me... and when they dropped me I had nothing to go back to, I was left alone.

I know I will break down if I look and see those blue eyes and that evil smile, because I know he won't be looking at me... he will be looking at the girl who's hanging on his arm hoping that maybe he won't drop her in a few months. The girl who thinks she can change him, even after all her friends have warned her about him...

"Hey Tomlinson isn't that the dude you shagged?" I hear Zayn say and I try to keep the tears in while I look right in to the locker so I don't show how much those words hurt.

"I don't know, I don't keep track on all my shags Malik."


"Hey are you new here?" I look at the red haired girl... Alexandra... we have been in the same class since we were 10.

"No I have been going here all my life." I say and try to concentrate at what the teacher is saying and writing on the board. I know that I put way too much time on this lesson and that I will have a great grade in it even if I didn't. Mr. Jones isn't really that special, he just talk about what's already in the book.

Basically all you have to do is read the chapter we're working on and you will have a easy A in this class. That's why loads of people pick this class.

I write down on the paper what he is saying when the door opens and they walk in. Louis have his smirk on his face and I can't help but look at him. I have always had a crush on him.

I know that he don't do relationships and that I never ever will have something like that with him... but I wouldn't mind doing other things with him. I wouldn't mind being just one of his toys.

My friends say I'm crazy for even thinking about just throwing myself at him but the truth is, I don't think they're as crazy as people say. I think people make up rumors so they will seem worse than they are.

I think it's the tattoos and piercings that they have that give of that feeling.

"Late again I see." Mr. Jones doesn't say anything else and just nod to the seats that they always have. I don't understand why people are scared of them.

I try to concentrate on the lesson but my eyes keep going to the blue eyes boy who is sitting at the back of the classroom. I can't help but smile a little when I see that he is half asleep. He looks so cute.

His hair is laying like a bird nest on his head but he manage to make it look hot, which I personally thinks needs to be an art.

His friend Niall is sitting and looking on his phone and I can't help but wonder if he appreciate that he can be so close to Louis... Louis who's so beautiful that anyone who have eyes can see his beauty.

"Mr. Styles eyes on the board" I feel myself blush when everyone looks at me... I can't believe Mr. Jones called me out for looking at Louis, that's so fucking embarrassing... I wonder if anyone saw... I wonder if Louis saw.

"Give the kid a break Rick!" The voice make me blush even more, I can't believe that he stood up for me, maybe he likes me... maybe we will live happily ever after.

I can't stop smiling for the rest of the day... my friend Julia slapped me and said that I need to get my shit together. She obviously doesn't understand that I might be the one who change Louis Tomlinson from his bad boy ways. I can change him to the perfect boyfriend.

She don't understand that once Louis and I properly meet he will understand that he don't need anyone else..


So basically 2014 Harry is young and naive and think that Louis will marry him... while 2016 Harry have been through all shit with him and know that's not the case

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