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"Are you crazy? Anyone can see us here." I get out between the kisses that he trail down my neck, damn the things he does to me.

I can't think clearly when he is doing these things to me, my mind becomes a cloudy mush of Louis. The lack of sleep and consuming of alcohol doesn't really help my case either.

"Who cares, it's not like we haven't done it before." Louis says while he keeps leaving kisses on my neck. Damn.

He unzips my black jeans and all I can think of is how he is setting me on fire for every part of my body that he is touching with his fingers, they are wandering around making me feel like a young boy again.

You would think I should have learned my lesson by now but no, when he is touching me like this there is no way I can think straight and actually resist him.

The door opens right when his hand slip down my pants, damn it who the fuck is walking in on us right now. Bringing me right back to reality.

"Get the fuck out." Louis screams to the boy who is standing in the door looking like he just been scarred for life, he probably have if I'm being honest. Like this isn't something that you usually see when you enter a bathroom at school.

"We can't do this here." I almost moan the words out because Louis hand are currently moving up and down my dick making me feel like I'm on top of the world.

"Says who?" Louis asks he is using such a low voice that I can feel myself getting harder by his words.

Damn it the things this man is doing to me. I let him continue moving his hand over me while he leaves kisses all over my neck. No one enters the bathroom anymore, words usually travel fast when Louis is involved.

"Louis..." I mumble in to his hair when I feel how I'm getting closer, damn it I'm really not ready for this. It's been so long that I can barely last at all by only his touch.

"Fuck." The words leave my lips when I feel the tingly feeling in the bottom of my stomach, I can feel myself reaching the breaking point.

"Really Louis?!" The door opens and there is Zayn, looking at me in my most vulnerable state.

I spill in to Louis hand and my pants feeling so embarrassed by the two men who is watching me.

"What do you want Malik? I'm a little busy." Louis says looking at him, not letting his hand move out of my pants which makes me feel even more exposed.

"The whole fucking school is talking about how you're fucking one of your old boy toys in the bathroom."

"Who cares?" Louis takes out his hand from my pants leaving me feeling uncomfortable in my now wet and sticky underwear. He walks over to the sink just washing off his hands.

"You should, we aren't people that sleep with just one person." Zayn answers, I feel a little confused because he is together with Liam, does that mean that he sleeps with other people while being with Liam?

That's fucked up.

"I don't. I just don't see why it's such a big deal honestly." Louis is seem so cold about the whole thing, like nothing matters.

"You have History now right?" He suddenly says turning to me, not even caring about Zayn anymore.


"I'll walk you there." I feel a little uncomfortable because my underwear are becoming colder from the wet spot for every second that passes.

"We can stop by my car, I have some clean underwear." Louis continues, like he can read my mind.

He takes my hand and together we just passes by Zayn who is standing in the door just looking at us. The hallway is almost empty when we make out way to the exit that leads us out to the car.

"You will come crawling to me for it, just like last time!" Zayn yells after Louis, my whole body gets cold. I don't know why I'm surprised about the fact that Louis have slept with Zayn, it shouldn't come as a shock to me... but still the words cut through me like knives.

I somehow deep down always knew that I wasn't the only one that he slept with when we had our thing, I just didn't think it would be with Zayn.

"Oh trust me I won't." Louis is scarily calm when the words leave his mouth, he just leads us out of the school to the cold air.

I want to confront him, I want to scream about how fucked up he really is. But instead I just stay quiet letting him lead me to his car, I don't know why I feel like I don't even care.

He made me turn in to this broken man I am today, and I just let him. I keep letting him do this to me.

Our past is so fucked up that it should be enough for anyone to turn around the other way and run for their lives. But not me, I just welcome it with open fucking arms.

He fucked up me so much that I can't be with anyone else than him, because no one else would ever understand how fucked up I really am.

"Here." He hands over some black underwear, I thank him and just crawl in to his Audi to change. It's not so much space to move around on so it's actually pretty complicated to change in it.

He keep his earlier words and follow me to my history class, he even leaves a little kiss on my cheek before continuing down the hall.

Things like this is why I can't let it all go, the small things. It's all in the small things? Right?

"Late again Mr. Styles." My history teacher says when I step in to the room, those words is something that before Louis wouldn't be something someone said to me. But now after it's so common that it doesn't even affect me anymore.

The whole class is watching me, most of them probably know where I was earlier... hell probably all of them know.

I just walk to the back of the classroom and sit down at one of the tables. Not even caring what the teacher is talking about. I take out my headphones from my pocket and put them in my ears to listen to some music while I don't even pretend to look interested.

Coldplay's the Scientist fills my ears and I just let the music take over my mess of a mind. 

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