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I walk up to the car that's a lot nicer looking than the other once in the parking lot, I never understood how he can afford that car when he doesn't really have a job. All he does is things he shouldn't...

But then again who knows he might do some things he shouldn't to get money. I don't even want to think about it but the thought is always there in the back of my mind.

"Hey baby doll" he say when he get in to the car, the way he reach over to touch my curls kind of gives me the chills. I don't know what it is but the way he is acting is different, weirder... it's not like he is completely himself and that he is trying so hard to cover up his feelings.

"Hi." I say and kind of want him to take his hand off me. I want him to let me go. I have never felt this way before but everything just seems so different from yesterday.

I sat and talked with Helena for hours and she told me a lot of things about Louis that I didn't know, I don't really recognise the person she is describing him to be. She makes him seem nice and a lot different from now.

But it's also something with the way she talks about him that makes me scared of him. She talks about him like the person she used to know doesn't exist anymore.

"How come you changed your mind?" The way he asks it makes it hard to tell if he actually wants to know or if he just say it to be rude, I don't know if I should answer or just sit quiet and just wait until everything doesn't get weird anymore.

Can you just sit and wait out awkwardness? Will it disappear if I just sit here in silence?

"I got a different perspective on my thoughts" I mumble out and just like that something snaps. The feeling of uncomfortableness, the feeling of not wanting to be here anymore disappears.

Not because how I feel after those words but the way that I can see Louis changing from what he tried to act like to himself. I see him changing to the guy I feel in love with, the guy I want to give a second chance because as Helena said he might be my soulmate and I can change him...

Or I can't change him but maybe I can make him want to change for the better for me.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asks me while he starts the car.

"Nowhere and everywhere" I answer and I can see how the corner of his lips is just slightly lifting a little, he is almost smiling... almost.

So we just sit there in the car listening to music while driving, it's not that late but the sun has already gone down so it's quiet dark.

I am looking at him and no matter how much I look I can't get the darkness off him, it's like a tiny bit of darkness that is spreading all around, it's not only on him it's like an aura around him spreading to everything he touch.

"I love this song." I say and reach over to higher the volume. But what I didn't expect was the way Louis reach for the volume button to turn it up... he never did that before, he didn't care if I liked a song and really wanted to listen to it.

The way our hands touch is like electricity it's something inside of me that's is finally on fire again.

The way the touch is so innocent and nothing sexual at all about it is just magical.

"Good." He says in a soft voice.  It's different... this time everything is different.

We drive down the road and the only thing you can hear is the music coming from the car radio.

It's weird how careful he is, he isn't driving over the speed limit something that I though was impossible if your name was Louis Tomlinson.

"I've done something's in the past I'm not proud of..." the way he starts talking out of nowhere is soothing like he wants to actually trust me with this. Like he wants me to know.

"I don't really have regrets. The only two things I regret..." he pauses like he is trying to find the strength to tell me. This is a side of him that I didn't think he even had. This is a side that seems like a completely different person, but at the same time it's still him.

"One of those things was hurting and leaving you there in that house." The way his voice is dripping with regret is telling me he is meaning what he is saying.

"I'm sorry." The words are so quiet that I almost missed them, but after they leave his lips and hit my ears they're echoing in my head.

Those two words I always wanted to hear, that I though was just something that I could dream of.

"I didn't think I would make it out."

"I made sure you did... you might not know if but I wouldn't have left you to die... I would have gotten you out of there even if it killed me"

The words hit me hard and I can't help but tell him that one thought I had in there before I decided to save myself...

"For one moment I didn't want to get out... for a split second I thought about letting myself just die in there... because I know the moment I survived I wouldn't have you." I say it and I can see how he change. I can almost see the regret.

"I loved you... I never really showed it but I did... and that what made me do it... because I can't love you."



A couple of part on Louis story Fix You is out! Check it out if you want to! I'm going to update them both so you get two stories about their love!

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