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Walking beside him in the hall feels so familiar but at the same time not, it feels so natural but also new and exciting.

I can see the people turning heads when we walk past them and I can also see all those girls jealous looks.

"HARRY!!" My face light up when I see Perrie, but in the same moment I see her reality hit me, reality of what Louis did to her face without even thinking... it came so natural to him.

"Perrie." I greet her and give her one of those one arm hugs that people really hate because they're not really hugs but at the same time they are.

"I see you two made up, I'm so happy for you two I always liked it best when you were a thing" she say it in such a happy voice and all I can think about is maybe we should be.

Maybe I belong with Louis, what if he is my soulmate and just got a little lost along the way that's all, maybe he needs to be with me to be able to be the best self he can be...

But I can't think like that because that's what got me in this mess to begin with, all those thought of changing him... I can't. If he wanted to change for me then he would have by now. He left me in a burning house for gods sake.

"That depends on how you mean made up... Harry here can't get over somethings he is letting the past ruin our future" I can hear the joking tone in his voice but at the same time not, it's like he is trying to joke something serious off. Like he is trying to make me feel bad for being mad.

I have every right to be mad he have no right to laugh at me for being mad or joke about it. I can hear that he is annoyed that it's taking a lot of time to win me over but maybe he should have thought about that before screwing whatever it was we had up...

Maybe he should have though about that 2 years ago. I gave him the last 2 years even if he didn't want me most of the time, what made him change his mind? Why now?

"I think I should go." I say just as the bell rings, I can see the light behind Louis eyes slowly going a little more dull then it was before but I don't question it, I can't.

I walk to my class and I can still feel the eyes from the people on me, everyone is looking at me the same way they where ages ago. I recognise it so well, I used to love the attention they gave me, but now I'm unsure if I want it. I'm unsure if I want to be known as Louis toy again.

I would have died for a second chance with Louis just a couple of weeks ago, but now here I am... unsure if I want it, unsure if I'm ready to jump again... am I ready to jump? Because I have no idea if Louis is there to catch me...

And I can't get up again if I jump. If I give him a second chance now, that will be it. I can't take another heartbreak, my heart can't handle that. I would die from a broken heart if it happened again. I am already so broken.

"Mr. Styles take a seat" I look up at the teacher and realise I have just been standing here in my own thoughts for a couple of minutes, and he is waiting for me to sit down so he can start his lesson... I want to sink through the ground and just disappear because that's so embarrassing.

I take a seat and I can feel all eyes on me, I defiantly hate it. I hate how they can't look at something else like I'm not a fucking museum go look at someone else!

And then they stop because someone else needs those eyes on them... Louis.

I don't look at him but I can already tell from the way his shoes hit the floor and the way my classmates is acting that's it's him.


I try to ignore him but when he pulls out the chair beside me and sit down it becomes quite hard to ignore him.

He puts his hand on my leg and it's like a fire inside of me... kind of funny how he can set my whole body on fire... more than one way...

"You look pretty today and I want you to know I notice the effort you put in that outfit" I try to not fall for his words, the only reason he knows I put effort in is because I usually put most effort in my outfit.

But in all honesty it's not really a special outfit with a burgundy jumper and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"I also noticed those dark circles under your eyes... I know you don't sleep well... or at least not as good as when it was us"


I try to avoid him so badly but I keep coming back to him. It's like I'm having an inner battle with myself, what am I supposed to do?

Let him go? I've tried that it didn't really work did it? It only broke me...

Let him play with me again? And let him break me?

It seems like no matter what I do I will end up broken, is there anyway I win? Is there any way I get an happy ending?

Probably not? But which option gives me the best chances?

Trying to move on and be hunted my what if...

Or let Louis have me again... have all of me just all vulnerable and able to crush me with just a few words?

I don't know... I just want to make it out alive but right now it feels like I can't, no matter what I do... I lose...


I still want to know what you guys think about a story from Louis Point of View called fix you, is it something you would read?

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