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I've been sitting on the floor for almost two hours, I have Liam's head resting in my knee. I just couldn't sit and watch him lying on the floor beaten unconscious.

Zayn and Louis left the room an hour ago, I haven't heard neither of them since then but I'm assuming they're still in the apartment somewhere.

I've tried to clean off some of the blood from Liam's face, but it still looks really bad.

I know that Zayn and Liam isn't on the best of terms but I honestly didn't think it would be this bad, I know I shouldn't be surprised but somehow every time I end up in situations like this it surprises me.

"Harry. Let's go we're leaving." Louis says when he enters the room again, I look up at him and I can see that he is serious. How can he even think about leaving now?

"What? No." I like Liam, he was always nice to me. I am not leaving him here in the apartment alone with the person who did this to me. He wouldn't do it to me, or at least I would like to think that he wouldn't.

"Yes, this is Zayn's problem and we are going to go, we were never here." He looks me straight in the eyes trying to make me understand that we are leaving. He is sending the message loud and clear, but I won't listen, not now.

"We're going to stay here until he wakes up and then he is coming back to your place with us." I say trying to look at him the same way he is looking at me. I'm not really sure that it works because he just looks mad.

"Fuck." The word isn't loud but his actions are. I'm not even able to think of what's going on because it goes so fast. He is by myside and drag me up and just letting Liam's head fall hard to the floor when he rips me away from him.

"We're going." The hold he is having on my arm is so hard that I can almost feel how he is cutting of circulation in my arm.

"You're hurting me." I whisper when he is dragging me out of the apartment, but my words doesn't matter to him.

I try to keep up with him down the stairs but my feet won't work like I want them too, I can feel myself being dragged and everything is hurting.

He pushes me in to the car and closes the door behind me. My whole body hurts and I can feel how the tears are threatening to fall. I actually thought he had change, that it would be different.

I know it haven't been long but damn I believed him when he sweet talked me, I didn't admit it to myself but I know that I won't be able to walk away from him now. I won't be able to handle the pain.

"We can't just leave him!" I cry out when Louis is speeding down the road, I can feel how my heart is beating in my chest. It's the only think that makes me sure it's not actually broken.

"He will die without us there!" I continue trying to make him turn around the car with my words, but instead of doing so he just speeds up even more.

"It doesn't matter now. Zayn is going to take care of it." Louis words sends a cold shiver down my back, what does take care of it mean?

"We should have taken him to the hospital." I say trying to reason with him, to make him turn around to grab him.

"No fucking hospital. Don't you understand how stupid that makes you sound?" Louis yells at me while driving in to a road that is in the opposite direction from his house.

"We're are we going?" I ask him, not comfortable with not knowing when he is this angry.

"Don't you ever just shut the fuck up?" He is full on screaming at me, I feel like I'm back where we once were. This man beside me isn't changed, he is the same cold hearted monster. I want to scream and get out of the car, walk away and never look back.

But I can't. I'm in love with him, I can't walk away from him no matter what my brain is telling me.

He does one good thing as a date and I'm back in this position again. Fuck.

The car comes to a stop outside a small lake house, I look at Louis when he steps out of the car without a word. He doesn't walk over to myside of the car to open my door, he just walks to the door and in to the house.

I sit there for a while waiting to see if he is coming to get me, but nothing happens. So I decide against my better judgement to go in to the house to look for him.

The house is filled with people and I know that it's going to be a long night. I can't help but wonder how things would have turned out if I just had stayed in the apartment and waited for him.

Would we be good? Would he still treat me well then?

"Oh if it isn't princess Styles." A guy says when I walk past the couch, I recognise his face but not one single name comes to mind when I look at him.

I don't answer him instead I just continue walking hoping that I will find Louis.

But when I do I wish I hadn't. I opened the door to the room and what I saw is an image that I won't be able to get out of my head.

Louis is pushing himself in to the blonde girl who's face I can't see while she is moaning out in pleasure.

I close the door before he can even see me there. I sit there outside with my back against the wall, feeling like all I can hear is the sound they are making on the other side of the door. My heart is feeling like it is being torn apart, I knew it. I knew that he would hurt me but I just let him.

Time passes and I just sit there frozen, I want to scream and cry, walk away and never look back. But I can't I can't even bare myself to move. I torture myself with sitting there listening to the man I love have sex with someone else.

"Is he in there?" I look up and realise that it's Zayn who is standing in front of me. I can see the blood stains on his shirt and I realise it's not his blood.

"Is Liam okay?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"He isn't in pain anymore." I know deep down what it means but I don't want to believe it. I feel like my chest is too heavy to carry.

Zayn doesn't say anything more before he pushes the door open to let the sounds of their moans sound even louder.

The sound of the door makes the moans stop.

"Zayn what the fuck!" I can hear a girl voice say, her voice.

"Are you fucking serious Louis? You're here fucking her while Harry is outside?" The sound in Zayn's voice is different, it almost sounds like he cares about me. But I know that isn't the case, it's something underlying in his voice. Pain.

"Did you take care of it?" Louis doesn't react on the words leaving Zayn's mouth.

"I did, Tony is taking care of the rest."


"Now leave so we can finish." I know her voice. I actually would consider her my friend before all of this...


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