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I don't know how much time that passes but I sit there against the wall feeling myself breaking from the inside. I want to scream and cry so badly but I feel numb on the outside.

"Get up." His voice is so harsh that I feel like I'm back in 2014 where I would do everything for him, nothing have changed. I thought I had changed, damn it I thought he had changed.

I actually believed that this time would be different.

I can feel his eyes on me, waiting for me to get up and follow him. But I feel frozen to the ground, the sound of him and Helena is still echoing inside of my head.

"Fuck." The anger in his voice is clear when he moves to the other side of the hallway, there isn't much people up here but I know that downstairs there is a party going on.

I look up at him but regret it when I see the red mark on his neck that will defiantly turn a shade of purple later, she did that to him. It wasn't my mouth that left it on him.

He slams his hand in to the wall and I know that I used to be scared of him when he did that before, but now I'm not. I'm not scared of him hitting me or hurting me, he have done it so many times before that it wouldn't be make a difference now.

"Let's go." He says, he doesn't touch me. I know that it takes everything in him not to walk over to me and just pull me up from the ground. I'm glad he doesn't, because I don't think my body can handle the pain of that.

My heart is so broken at the moment that I can feel myself having a hard time breathing.

"Harry." I look up at the voice and I can feel myself breaking even more when I see her face, she doesn't even look like she regret it... probably because she doesn't.

"Don't you dare say his name." The threatening tone is Louis voice only makes her smile a wicked smile.

She walk over to him and touches his arm while she leans in to whisper something in his ear. I don't know what she is saying but I'm sure it's nothing I would like to hear. Louis face still is filled with anger when she leaves.

"We're going." I finally feel my legs again and stand up from the ground, actually listening to him.

I follow him down the stairs and I can't help but feel like a completely idiot for actually going with him, this is the time I am supposed to run as fast as I can away from him and never looking back. I promised myself not to end up here again... but yet here I am.

The ride back to his place is silent. I feel like it takes hours before he stops in front of the apartment building, in reality it was probably less than thirty minutes.

I follow him in to the apartment, not sure if that is what he wants me to do, not sure if that is what I want to do.

I can't even think straight when I follow him in to the bedroom, letting him undress me. I know that those hands touched Helena less than an hour ago and here I am letting him have every part of him.

He doesn't say anything when he pushes me in to the bed, only dressed in only my underwear I watch him get undress.

But when he lays down beside me and wraps his arms around me I feel every single part of me break.

"Come on love, it's time for sleep." His voice is so soft and he just holds me there in his arms. That is the moment that everything inside of me breaks and the tears start to stream down my face. How can he be so horrible to me one second and later just switch making me feel more loved than anyone else.

"Shh, don't cry darling." He whispers while pulling me closer to his chest, leaving small kisses on my head. I feel like he is taking the pain away, the pain he caused me.

"Everything will be okay in the morning." I want to believe him, but it's just empty words, I know nothing will have changed in the morning.

We lay there for a while, him just holding me while I let the tears fall.

"Liam?" His name leaves my lips so quietly that I'm unsure if Louis actually heard me or not. There is a long moment of silence and I start to believe that I might have imagine saying it.

"He isn't in pain anymore." The same words Zayn told me, I need them to actually say what it means for me to believe it.

"Louis..." I say his name in a whisper with a tone that is supposed to make him tell me more than those small words.

"He wouldn't have made it through the night anyway, we did what we had to."

Break Me (Larry Stylinson)✔️Where stories live. Discover now