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"I want to take you out, on a real date." Says to me right after I step out from the classroom. He have his arm wrapped around my shoulder making a lot of people look at us. If it was any other person who did this to me I wouldn't feel like it was any alternative motive to the small action, but because it is Louis I know that it is.

He isn't doing this because he wants to show affection towards me, no he is doing this because he wants to show other people what is his. No one else is allowed to touch me until he says so.

"A real date? Why?" He have never taken me out on a real date, every time he said that he would we just ended up in one of his friends' houses with him high and drunk, or with an alternative motive.

"Because I want to? Do I really need a reason to take my boyfriend out?" Louis says the word like it's nothing special with it. But what he doesn't know is how it affect me. I feel like my whole body is on fire. Never before have he called me his boyfriend, I'm not even sure that he have said it to anyone.

"Boyfriend?" Scared of the answer I just let the word leave my lips quietly.

He doesn't address it anymore, just leads me through the crowd of people. They move out of the way like he would be on fire and burn them if the accidently got to close without him agreeing to it. I guess it's almost true, he will burn you if you get to close... so stay away.

I follow him until we're in the cafeteria, I didn't even remember what class I had before lunch. I left my History class together with Louis and he lead me to my next class, but truth is that I can't even remember if it was math or chemistry that I just was supposed to learn something about.

My mind is just not where it is supposed to be right now.

"So what are you thinking about maybe dinner and a movie?" Louis asks while he is taking food from the lunch line. I'm not really hungry so I just end up taking an Orange and an apple. Dinner and a movie? That defiantly doesn't sound like Louis... it sounds so normal, so plain and boring.

"Or maybe we could go to one of those museums you like to go to." He continues to come up with ideas, I don't really listen because this man beside me is a liar. He says things like this to get me tangled in his web but then let me down. He drops me and let me sink to the bottom of the ocean like a stone.

"I don't go there anymore." I answer him trying to make it seem like I'm interested in the conversations. It just feels like he is trying too hard, this is not the Louis I remember...

I know he is trying to change, but this? This is completely different, it's like he have been watching movies about how dates are supposed to go and then copied them straight off.

"Why not? You loved it there."

"Just not my thing anymore." I say while peeling my orange. Not really telling the real reason. I can't tell him that the reason I don't go is because it is too much memories, bad memories.


"This is boring, why do you like these paintings? They don't even have a real motive in them... it's just paint." Louis have been complaining about the paintings ever since we got here, but I don't really care, he is here.

I never thought that he would come to one of these things but I guess I was wrong. I guess it really shows how much he cares about me, he must really like me if he hates it so much but still follows me here.

"How about you and me sneak out and have some fun?" Louis whisper in my ear, I smile a little. I like it when Louis say things like that to me, lately he have actually been really nice to me and gentle. It's not that often now that he does things without me wanting it too.

He leads me down to the toilets and gives me a big smile while walking inside and closing the door behind us.

"Get undressed." He is so demanding, I do as he says. He smiles when I'm standing in front of him with nothing but my underwear.

"Them too."

I slip them off and look at him, feeling ready for whatever he have in store for me.

He doesn't do anything and I feel how his eyes are going over my body, he makes me feel beautiful.

A knock on the door stops his wandering eyes, I feel the need to cover up when he walks over to it.

"Did I say that you could get dressed?" He sounds so harsh so I don't dare to go against him, so I just stand there while he is unlocking the door, letting an older man in a suit in.

"You're going to give Henry here whatever he wants without complaining..." He walks over to me until he is so close that I can smell his minty breathe mixed with the cigarette smell.

"And don't make a sound or I will kill you."

He is shorter than me but still it feels like he is towering over me when he says those words, he is above me in every single way. I'm just worthless while he is worth everything.

He then turns around just leaving me there alone with the man, who is unzipping his pants. 


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