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Snow. I shouldn't be surprised by the white cover that is laying on the ground, but somehow I manage to get so caught up in my life that I forgot that we're actually going towards the winter months.

"Come on, I'll drive you to school." Louis voice is soft, I can feel his breathe hit my skin when the words leave his mouth. He is so close to me that I can feel the heat of his body.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask him, already knowing the answer to my answer. No he isn't.

"No, I have somethings I have to do."

I walk together with him out to the car and I can feel myself shiver because of the cold air, I didn't bring a jacket because my stupid ass didn't think that it would start snowing.

We don't talk at all on the way to school, I just sit there listening to the music playing from the car radio.

"I'll pick you up later, so just wait here for me." Louis voice isn't as soft as before, I know it is because he wants me to listen and actually show up. Could it be that he is scared of losing me?

The thought leave my mind almost as fast as it entered when I see how is walking towards the car with a big smile on her face.

"Get out." Louis voice is hard and cold when he looks at me, I apparently didn't get out of the car too fast. I feel so small when I am with him when he is like this.

But he have those beautiful moments that makes me want to stay with him forever, because no one else than Louis would want me like this.

"Hey babe." Helena says with a wicked smile when she sees me, I can feel the tears pushing behind my eyes when I see her taking my previous seat in Louis car. I'm frozen to the ground just watching them speed away down the street.

I stand there until I can't see the black car anymore.

"Come on lets go inside." A hand on my shoulder wakes me up from my frozen state of mind. Zayn is standing beside me with a sad smile on his face, I let him lead me inside of the school and walk me through the crowded hallway. I can feel that people are looking at us but I don't look up to meet there eyes.

Zayn leads me in to what I'm guessing is my first class, or his first class. Honestly I don't really care because the image of Louis and Helena together is freshly printed in to my head.

"Thank you." Zayn's words surprise me, I didn't do anything. I just let him lead me to the classroom.

"For what?" My voice breaks a little when I ask him, exposing the tears that are threatening to fall at any second.

"For holding him...." I know what he means and I can't help but feel my heart get heavy. I know what it means when someone in their friend zone stops being present... I guess I knew the moment we left Zayn's apartment that night.

Fuck Louis even confirmed it to me last night when I asked him about it, he literally told me without having to say the words out loud.

The sound of Liam's head hitting the ground and an image of his lifeless body appears in my mind, I know that it is going to be the last I'll ever see of Liam.

Because Tony took care of it, of Liam. He was a problem and they fixed it, in their own fucked up way.


I walk beside them and I feel so proud of being showed off to the whole world, Louis arm around my shoulder is showing everyone that I am his and he is mine.

"Are you coming over to Zayn's later?" Liam asks me and gives me a big bright smile, he was always the one that invited me to things. Louis didn't really ask he just dragged me to places he wanted me to be.

I look at Louis, I'm asking him for permission to go there, asking him if he wants me there. He doesn't meet my eyes and I feel unsure of what I will answer Liam, I want to say something because he is one of the few people that talk to me.

"I don't know yet." I mumble, feeling a little unsure of myself now when Louis attention isn't on me as much as I want it to be. I can see that his eyes are following the girl on the other side of the hallway.

I wonder if he wants her there instead of me, I'm jealous of her because she have his attention and I don't. I've only been with him for like a week or so and I'm not ready for him to drop me yet, he can't drop me now.

"I think you should come, I would love to get to know you better." Liam gives me friendly smile to calm me. He really doesn't seem like he belongs with this crowd, they're so messy while he is so friendly.

I'm sure that if Zayn didn't love him as much as he does then Liam would be dead long ago.

I smile back at him and can't help but feel like maybe Liam will still be my friend when Louis drops me like everyone else.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Louis suddenly says, making me feel small again. I know that I won't be going to Zayn's place because he doesn't want me there.

"Oh come on Louis it will be fun, you need to stop being so uptight." Liam says still with a smile on his lips.

"Oh shut the fuck up Liam, your bright attitude will be the death of you." Louis have a joking tone to his voice, but somehow I also know that there is some truth to his words. They don't keep optimism around. 

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