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I walk together with him out to his car, I'm excited because he have been so secretive about where we are going. I smile when he opens the door for me, giving me a small kiss on my forehead when I am safely in the car.

"You look amazing tonight." He says and closes the door, I watch him walk around the front of the car over to the driver seat, he gives me a smile and I can't help but return it, not that I'm sure that the one I have had on since we left the bed have ever left.

We drive down the road, I watch how the snow falls and there is something so peaceful with this moment. I watch over to Louis, admiring him in the dark night.

We drive for almost forty minutes before we pull up to a cabin in the woods, it is spookily similar to the one that Louis lit on fire. I can feel how shivers are moving through my whole body, why are we here? Why did he bring me here?

"Come on love." Love, the way he says it makes me relax a little, he wouldn't hurt me... I know deep down it's a lie, but I would love to believe that you don't hurt someone you love.

He walks over to my side of the car and open the door for me.

"You're safe with me, I love you." Louis say while holding his hand out for me, making me feel a little calmer. He actually wants to hold my hand, it's different from all the other times. He actually is changing, it maybe won't be like the other times.

This time he might not be scared of showing me he loves me.

I step out of the car and take his hand and let him lead me in to the house, it's a lot of people around and I know that this is defiantly one of their crazier parties because of all the people here. I grab Louis hand a little harder because I feel a little scared being around all these people.

I recognise a lot of them from the night of the fire, they were all there just laughing when they house was in flames.

"Do you want something to drink?" Louis asks me leading me in to a room that I believe is the kitchen, it's so much people and it's pretty run down so it doesn't really look like a kitchen anymore.

"Sure, anything is fine." I answer, he smiles at me and pour some liquid in to a glass. It's not one of those red plastic cups that you see in all the American movies... no it's actually a real glass. I don't really know if it's a good idea to serve alcohol in glass when there is this much people, but I won't question it.

I take a sip and realize that I don't recognise the taste, I don't want to ask Louis either because honestly it's probably better if I don't know what is in it.

He pours a drink to himself before we make out way in to the main room again, a lot of people are just sitting around listening to the music that are playing. I don't see Zayn anywhere which is weird because he is usually at all of these parties.

But then again losing Liam took harder on him than what he wants the world to know.

We just sit there drinking for a couple of hours, Louis is talking to a lot of people that I don't know. I don't really talk to any of them because I don't know them so it feels so awkward if I would even try to enter their conversation.

"Let's play a game." I suddenly hear a voice say, I know who the voice belongs to... I really wished she wasn't here. Helena.

I see her sitting beside Pierre on the other side of the room, everyone stops talking when she talks. I didn't know she had such power over everyone here, I don't understand how I didn't know about her when I first met her.

"What kind of game?" I hear someone ask her, and something wicked is showing in her when he asks, because damn that grin on her face is terrifying.

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