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I have no idea where we are going, I just agreed to go on a "real" date with Louis and here I am sitting in his car while he is driving to who knows where.

"We are going to have the time of our life." Louis says while giving me the biggest goofiest smile, this is a side of Louis that I haven't seen much of at all. I like it.

We're driving through the darkness on the big road, I haven't really been paying attention to where we're going so when the sign in front of is say London I get a little bit of a shook. I didn't know we we're going here, why are we in the big city?

I want to ask but I'm scared that if I do it will be seen as a burden. I have memories of times when I got my hopes up only to be let down, only for him to make a couple of bucks off of me.

I look at all the cars and I can't help but feel a little amazed by the city, I've always wanted to move here and make something off myself. I want to make it, become successful and live in the place where everything happens.

"We're here." Louis says and I look at the big place he is driving towards, the O2.

"Are we going to see All Time Low? Are you fucking kidding me!" I can't help but let the excitement take over, I love them and I have always wanted to see them... but money and time have never been there for me to actually do it.

"Yes we are baby." Louis says and pulls in to the parking space close to the arena, there is a lot of cares already here.

"Come on." He says and steps out of the car, giving me a smile. I follow his action and together we make out way to the big venue. I never thought this would be something that Louis would take me too. Amazed by everything around me I just walk with him.

"Thank you so much!" I can't hold my happiness in when he hands over the tickets to the people at the entrance, I can't actually believe that this is happening.

We walk through the arena Louis is navigating us to our seats, I'm too amazed to even focus on anything else than everything that is going on around us.

When we're settled at our seats I feel how the whole atmosphere changes, there is something so magical about concerts.

"We missed the opening act because it took a little longer to get here than expected, sorry." Louis says when I hear the big screams around me, I look at the stage and there they are. The people who makes life a little more bearable.

The music to kids in the dark starts playing and I get caught up in the music.

"Here we are, At the end of the road, a road that's quietly caving in, Come too far to pretend that we don't, we don't miss where we started..." I can't help but to sing along together with all the other people in the venue.

I turn to Louis realising that he is already looking at me, I don't even think twice when I lean down and kiss him. This is the best thing that anyone have done for me.

Right in this moment I forget all the horrible things that he have done to me.

"Thank you!" I say before I turn back to the stage looking at the four men who changed my life so many years ago. I can't believe how long I've loved these men.

Two parts in a day, it was a long time since that happend. 

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