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Am I ready to put myself through this again? Am I ready to risk my life for something so unclear?

"Gary right?" I look at the girl in front of me, her blonde hair is up in a ponytail and she looks tired.


"Oh I'm so sorry Harry, I'm Helena... I noticed you are with Louis" I don't even want to know if I want to know what she has to say, it's weird but true... a conversation starting like that never ends good.

"I'm sorry but I have never seen you around before." I say without trying to sound rude, it just seems so unusually that someone I never talked to or let alone seen before comes up to talk to me about Louis.

"It's because I don't really tend to stand out, plus your eyes usually isn't anywhere else than either the floor or Louis." She have a little bit of laughter in her voice which makes me feel kind of at ease, it just shows that she won't kill me... or maybe she will who knows these days.

"I'm sorry if this comes out rude but why are you talking to me? Like I feel like you probably have a reason to come over and talk to me." I say and I almost smack myself in the face because it really sounds like I'm one of those bratty girls that thinks that everyone comes over just because they're jealous.

"I came over here because I was once you. I can see you struggling with this Louis thing, I know this sounds creepy but I can see how your own thoughts are tearing you apart in half... because I felt the same way when I was you."

"It sounds like you're so much older than me"

"I'm not, I just loved Louis too once... I'm over it now though... it was in the beginning before everyone knew who he was, before he turned to this... this cold hearted monster. I thought we were in love... I was, he wasn't." I can hear the sadness in her voice.

It's like she is seeing everything passing inside of her head like a movie playing a scene that hits a little too close to home.

I close my locker and look at her.

"I feel like this isn't just something you take 10 minutes out of your day to tell someone in school... you wanna go for a coffee?" I say and look at her, because I want to know her story because right now it feels like I need someone to talk to...

Someone who knows what I'm going through, or like kind of understands.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea" she say and give me one of those half smiles, I can see the pain behind her eyes, maybe that's what Louis leaves. He leaves a trail of hurt.

It's not many people left in school, most people couldn't get out fast enough when the last bell rang, it's pretty much only us and a few students that's talking to some of the teachers.

We walk to a small coffee shop that's not that far from the school, it's really windy outside and I can feel the cold air grabbing my curls.

After we get coffee and sit down by one of the tables in the far corner of the shop beside one of the windows I can finally get a good look of her, she has blonde hair but it's not one of those super blonde once, or has a lot of different tones of blonde in it, I don't know if it's natural but it sure does look super natural. Her eyes is a icy blue colour and when you really look at it and just imagine it you can kind of see the snowflakes in them, I know it sounds weird but that's the icy feeling they give off.

If looks could kill her eyes would probably freeze her victims to death.

"I met him in 2010, he wasn't like this then... he was different... more alive if you can put it that way." She starts and wraps her small hands around the grey cup that is filled with black coffee, her nails have a red nail polish on them that's a little worn off. She looks pretty but everything about her screams tired and broken, she doesn't look like anyone I've seen Louis with.

"I met him in the hospital..."

"Hospital?" I ask her when she doesn't really continue her story on her own.

She is looking out of the window and just like that I can see snow starting to fall, it's like she looked with her icy eyes and made the weather feel the cold that's they're holding.

"I was there because I was in a car accident, nothing serious just a check up so I didn't have any underlying damage that wasn't visible... his reason isn't my story to tell... but he wasn't there for him." She say and I can almost picturing 2010 Louis in front of me, he was different then, I still liked him but it was more of me just finding him attractive.

It was before everyone started talking about him, before all the rumours... that later on turned out to be truths.

"We met in the hallway, I was on my way away from there, he wasn't... we kind of collided and then we just started talking... and talking lead to us..." I can see the tears hiding in the corner in his eyes, the shaking of her lips that shows that she is holding back her emotions because she doesn't want to show me how much he broke her...

She said she loved him... but I feel like her actions speak louder... she never stopped loving him, and I'm not sure that if you ever love Louis that you're able to ever stop...

"He didn't want to show me off... he didn't want people to know because he didn't want them to ask questions... or that's what I thought... but it now feels like he never loved me, like he only played with me..." she takes a deep breathe, I can see that she's really struggling to keep the tears in.

"There is where we are different... because no matter how much I wait he will never want me back because he doesn't love me... you on the other hand? I can see it in his eyes... he needs you even if he doesn't really understand it himself"

"Needs me?"

"I can see that you're scared what might happen if you go with him, but if you don't you might be losing someone who might be your soulmate."

So guys the intro to the spin off story from Louis point of view is up! So you can now add it to your libraries to make sure you don't miss when the first part is up!

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