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I've put some trigger warnings in the description so please read them before continue reading!

Also I'm back! I'm going to start updating this story until completed. Fix You will be on hold until this is completed, because that what made me stop writing on this in the first place. I felt like it was way too hard to write both and just stopped writing on both instead of finishing one at a time. 

Also what do you guys think of the new cover?


I wake up feeling way too warm, I'm sweating like crazy. I look around the room and realize that the reason I'm sweating is the human who is spooning me. I try to get out of his grip so I can open the window, in desperate need of some cold air.

"Don't leave." The way he mumble out the words makes me just fall back beside him, still feeling like I am burning up. Memories have been hunting me the whole night, this isn't the first time I wake up feeling like my body is on fire.

I'm back there every time I close my eyes, I can see the flames and smoke, I feel how I'm slowly suffocating. I have this dream a lot, I dream about not getting out... always waking up right before I die.

I reach under the bed taking out the only answer to any of my questions, alcohol. Cheap Vodka that burns your insides for every sip you take.

I loosen Louis arm around me a little so I can half sit up. Letting the lukewarm liquid take over my senses.

I look over to the picture on my nightstand, I don't really know why I haven't gotten rid of it like the other pictures. Deep down I know that it brings me more pain than happiness, maybe that's why I kept it.

"I loved that night." Louis says in a sleepy voice, I look at him only to see that he also look at the picture.

Taking the bottle from me to take a swing himself, after he have taken some he just put it down on the nightstand.

"I wish I remember it the way you do." I answer, I loved it when I was there, I pretended that it was there and then I lost my virginity. But it wasn't, I know I lost it there in the parking lot outside of town. I want to imagine it as sweet but it wasn't, it was nothing like that night... Right there and then he didn't love me, he didn't care about me.

"We shared a night of love."

"Every time I think of that night now I keep remembering that night in the parking lot." I push his arm away from me, feeling like everything he did to me is catching up to me once again.

"You know I'm sorry for that."

"Which part? The one where I said no and you did it anyway? Or the part where you let that man have his way with me while you watched?" I don't feel sweaty anymore, I only have this cold feeling in my body.

"I'm sorry." It's such a lame excuse for everything he put me through but still here I am falling right back in to his arms, accepting all the pain that he threw at me.

"Or maybe the part where you held the gun to my head... for the first time of many." He doesn't say anything, just looking everywhere but at me.

"I need a smoke." He says after a while. I take the bottle from the nightstand taking another sip.

"Can I have some of that?" I ask Louis from the bed, I sit up on the side of the bed moving my hand towards him to take the cigarette from him.

"You don't smoke."

"And you don't rape..." I mumble.


"Where are we going?" I ask smiling at the older boy who is driving his black Audi R8 out from town, I feel so excited because he told me had a surprise for me.

"Just wait and see." He says driving in to an empty parking lot, I've never been here before. We sit there for a while until a black van rolls up beside the car.

"Come on." Louis walks out of the car and shake hands with the man who drove the van, I don't listen to their conversation when I step out of the car.

"In you go." I look at Louis feeling a little scared because this is defiantly not what I had in mind when he said that he had a surprise for me. He pushes me in to the back of the van, it's nothing special in there more than a dirty mattress.

"Why are we here?" I ask Louis when he closes the doors behind us, leaving us inside of the dirty van. He doesn't answer.

I don't understand what's happening but suddenly I'm lying on the dirty mattress crying out in pain when he pushes himself in me, I keep saying no over and over but he doesn't listen. It burns for a while until the pain is too much so my body just shuts down and become numb.

I just lie there letting him have his way with me, I feel so relieved when he pulls out and leaves me there. But it doesn't last long.

Fear is taking over my body when the man from earlier comes in with Louis beside him, they close the doors, but not before I see the metal in Louis hand. A gun.

The other man unzips his pants and I can't help but to move, not wanting him anywhere near me.

That's when I feel the cold metal against my head.

"Just be quiet." Louis says it in such a dark voice that I'm not even sure it's him anymore. Fear is taking over my whole body so I can't even cry anymore because I'm so scared.

That's when I feel the burning pain again.

"You're such a dirty little whore." Louis whispers in to my ear while pushing the gun harder towards my head.

Just make it stop, let it be over.

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