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I see people I used to call friends once just turn their back to me, I see people I used to tell everything just ignore me like I'm air... I was young and stupid and left those people I loved, those people who loved me... I left those people who cared for those who would watch me die and laugh at it.

Every single part of this hallway reminds me of him, I remember all the things he said... all empty promises that he won't keep because he didn't mean them. I remember all those times he pressed me up against the wall to kiss me... Those times are gone now and I'm left here broken.

"Hey Harry right?" I look at the girl know have been hanging on Louis arms earlier, the girl who is in the place where I once was.

"Yeah." I say, I don't know why she's talking to me, why is she here and not on his arm right now, he doesn't let anyone go that fast... especially not if they're innocent.

"Hi... I'm Tanya and I heard from my friends that you had like a relationship with Louis before... I just wonder what happened?" Her voice is telling me she wants to know so she won't make the same mistake as me.

"He dropped me... just like he will drop you in a couple of months when he get bored and someone better comes around." I don't want to sound rude but I am not going to be nice and tell her what she wants to hear. She needs to hear the truth because her friends will probably not warn her like mine did...

My friends warned me and I ignored them... I even knew in the back of my mind that it was true... I know that every time I was with Louis thought this could be the last time I was with him, because one day he would drop me...

I actually at the end thought he had chanced... I thought he loved me, but Louis can't love... he's not capable of it, it's not a feeling he feels. None of them do.... Or maybe Liam and Zayn but that's only because they're a thing and have been for forever.

The girl leaves with angry steps and I just look after her because I know that he will drop her and she will end up like me... just another one of his victories.

"Hey Styles!" I haven't heard that voice in what feels like ages and I turn around and see Perrie standing there in all her glory.

"Hi." I say, I haven't talked to one of them in ages and it's so weird because I didn't know they still remembered me.

"How are you? I didn't think Louis would actually drop you like the other once, I always thought he would get back to you" Her words hit me like a brick wall.

"I'm good... and I did... I don't know where you got that from, if I hadn't gotten out of that house he would have let me die in there." I say and look her dead in the eyes, I know it's true. He would have watched me get burned alive without even caring... he might have even been laughing.


I look at him with a smile... it's love I know it is, he wouldn't ask me to come out and meet him in the middle of the night if he didn't love me! I know my friends say he don't love anyone but I know I know he loves me.

"Harry look at this." He whisper while he pulls me through the bushes until we're out in front of a house in the middle of the forest, it doesn't look like anyone have lived there in ages.

"Let's get inside" He says and I can see someone moving on the inside when we get closer.

"There is people there" I whisper because I don't know if we need to be quiet or not.

"I know it's the others, don't worry babe" I follow him inside and I see the people smoking inside there. It cigarette smoke hits me like a brick wall and I try not to breath in too much because it might be the death of me.

They drink for a while and until they get this idea of see how long it will take to set the house on fire. I don't want to get out of the house without Louis because he can get hurt and I don't want to go without him.

I don't know what happened all I know is now here I am in the middle of the flames and I can't see anything. I don't know which way to go... I can feel my lungs filling up with smoke and I'm sure I'll die. If I don't act fast I will die in there. I will burn to death.


I got out that night... but I found Louis standing outside with his friend laughing at the burning house. The worst part was that night was the last night he talked with me, he pretended for about 6 months to give a fuck about me only to laugh and don't care if I burned to death.

"He knew you would make it out." Perrie says and I can see she doesn't believe her own words.. I don't believe her words.

"I didn't think I would make it out... I'm sorry I have to go." I say and hurry away to get to my next class.. Mr. Jones, I really hope they won't show up today. They usually don't show up and right now I don't want them there.

At first I actually thought he would come back to me, that he would come up to me in the hall and say he loved me... but he never did... I gave up hope when I saw him with different girls' every day. And now I don't want him back. I have had so much time to think and know that he didn't care, he just played around... and I knew it... I knew it from the beginning but I just played along like the fool I was.

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