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"Because love makes you weak." It leaves silence behind it, the little gap between when the radio changes song and without anyone of us saying anything. It's not really completely silent because the radio starts playing the next song and the quiet sound of the car. But for me it feels like if you dropped a needle to the floor of this car you would hear it.

Love doesn't make you weak... it's not supposed to make you weak.

"In what way?" I try to figure out what he means, I want answer but when he just keeps his eyes on the road and the speed gets higher I realize that we lost the moment. He won't tell me. He probably never will.

I don't say anything for the rest of the ride and I just feel like my whole mind is a mess, I don't know what to think or say. I think he maybe feel the same way.

"Come on." He mumbles and step out of the car, we're in an abandoned warehouse that's a couple of miles from the school.

"We're not supposed to be here Louis." I know we're not this place have signs all over the place that you shouldn't enter and that it will be considered trespassing if you do. This is a crime.

"Come on Styles don't be such a pussy" there it is again, the feeling that he is the same person he was back then. But then again he never said he changed he never promised that he was different now.

I don't say anything I just follow him in to the building and I hate the way that he controls me, I shouldn't be here I should be home staying in my bed just feeling sorry for myself.

"Want a drink Styles?" That voice I do know, Niall.

They're all here all the people I didn't want to see all the people who laughed and pretended that burning someone alive is completely normal.

Okay maybe they just laughed at the burning house but honestly that's also very fucked up.

"Thanks" I say and take the in opened bottle of Vodka from him. Louis gives me a look I can't really understand but it feels like he is kind of judging me. He has absolutely no right to judge me.

"Louis" Zayn say and hands him a bottle. Things seem kind of tense between them, it seems confusing like they try to be polite but really they want to kill each other.

"No thanks I'm driving" wait what? Did those words just leave Louis mouth? He don't care about drinking and driving he don't give a Fuck about those things. Why now?

"Since when have that stopped you" some guy in the back say, I've not seen him around before so I'm guessing he doesn't go to our school.

"Since now." Louis sound so cold in his voice and the guy in the back just holds up his hands in a sign of defeat.

I feel weird being here, I feel like I don't belong like I shouldn't have come with Louis. Why did he bring me here.

"So is this our new toy? What should we do with him?" My blood freeze I don't want to go through this again I can't go through all this again.

"Touch him and I'll kill you" Louis say and I can't even react before he have a gun held to the guys head.

"I think I should go" there it is again my weak voice my sign of weakness. I do not want to be here, I shouldn't be here.

"Yeah you should"

"Go away pussy"

"Fuck off"

"Don't princess want to play anymore"

All their words thrown at me, why did I open my mouth why did I let them have the power over me.

I don't hear Louis say anything but I feel those blue burning eyes on me when I walk out of the warehouse. I know it's freezing cold outside but I am not going to stay around waiting to get a ride home.

I take a sip from the vodka bottle I still have in my hand, I guess he still acts that way. He doesn't know what he wants.

He say he loves me but that love makes you weak. But I think that's a lie.

I think he wants to love me but the fact that he doesn't make him weak.

I let the first tear drop from my eyes when I'm far enough for them not to be able to see them. The tears just keep streaming down my face and I'm grabbing on to the bottle of alcohol like it would be my life.

He doesn't come after me.

I walk all the way home to my house and realize then and there that he will never come after me when they're around. Maybe in school yes but those people know me. But the other people? Never.

"Harry?" My mom looks at me with worried eyes when I take a step inside of the door. She sees the tears but doesn't move to hug me. She knows I don't want her closeness she knows I want to drown myself in my own pain.

That's what I do best, I don't want help because I don't know if I want to be helped.

"I made food." She say and without another word she turns back in to the kitchen. I don't know if I want to follow her to eat or to hide in my room and beat myself up for feeling stupid.

I decide on the later.

I just lay in my room for a couple of hours until I hear the doorbell. I know my mom will open but somehow I feel like I need to. I make it down the stairs only to see my mom talking to Louis. Why is he here? What does he want?

"Hi, is Harry home?" He sounds so sweet and the way he looks make me feel like falling down and crying, why is he here?

Break Me (Larry Stylinson)✔️Where stories live. Discover now