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I push Louis towards the bed, trying to make it clear that I want him to lay down. I move with him like two magnets.

I lift up his shirt pulling it over his head, leaving his tattooed chest exposed to me, I can see scars hiding behind the ink, scars caused by the dangerous game that he have dedicated his life too.

Leaving small feather light kisses on the skin, I can feel him wanting more but I don't give in. This is my time to be in the lead, he isn't in charge. Not today.

"More." He says almost begs when I leave kisses close to his v line, but I don't give in to his desires, no I want to see him tremble under me just a little more before I give him what he needs. I want to feel the power just for a few more moments.

Those moments doesn't last long through because he flips us over and suddenly all the control I felt is slipping out of my fingers. I'm no longer in charge of this game and he is making damn sure that I know it.

He leaves kisses down my neck, they're harsher than mine was. He isn't spending any time being delicate with me. No all he isn't wasting any time on just enjoying the small things.

He kisses me with such power that the precious moment we just share is completely gone, nothing is soft and loving with his kisses. He is just showing who is in charge and there is nothing more than lust in the kisses...

He often got those two confused, lust and love.

He pulls my shirt off and loses no time, he is moving down on my body and putting his mouth against my nipple, I can feel how he is moving his tongue in a fast motion over it. While he is doing that he is moving his hand over my other nipple.

This is not how I pictured it, I wanted some delicate love making the kind you see in movies and read about in books... this is not it.

But I don't stop it, no because it feels too damn good to stop.

"You look so damn hot under me." Louis move his mouth from my nipple to my ear to whisper the words. He then pushes his mouth against mine, letting our tongues meet. It's defiantly not the romantic kind of kisses you see in movies, no this is full on making out sloppy and bad... but somehow perfect.

He is grinding his body against mine and the friction is making me feel tingly in my stomach, this is what he does to me. He got the power over me, no matter how much he will let me think I'm in charge he will always be the one that have the power.

"Fuck... I want to fuck... you so badly." His breathe is heavy and those words just sounds so damn sexy to me.

"Then do it."

Break Me (Larry Stylinson)✔️Where stories live. Discover now