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"I should take you out more often." Louis words doesn't feel so loving when they're leaving his mouth right after sex. I just lay there in his bed watching him get up, just like so many times before. He moves quickly to the balcony to light a cigarette, he still manage to look beautiful even with messy hair.

I don't say anything, I just move over to the side of the bed to grab my phone from my jeans pocket. I take it out and see a message from Helena, I haven't heard from her in a while, I've missed taking to someone who understands what a mess Louis really is.

"I think I'm going to go out for a while." I say and stand up from the bed, I start putting on my clothes, waiting for Louis to say something.

"Where to?" he isn't really showing any interest in the words, it's like he doesn't care where I'm heading... probably because he don't care.

"Helena wanted to meet for a late night coffee." I say while pulling on my socks. Louis moves so quickly from the balcony that I'm not even sure my brain manage to register him leaving it until he is right in front of me.

"I don't think that is such a good idea." He is having a threatening tone to his voice when the words leave his mouth.

"Why not? She's my friend." I try to speak up, but I can feel myself being put inside the same little box I was in the first time I was with Louis.

"It's late, and I want you to stay the night." His voice have turned soft but there is something with the way he looks at me that tells me that it's not everything. But I don't say anything against it, because Louis isn't one to let you stay the night... I can count on one hand how many times I've stayed the night here.

"You want me to stay?" I always had to beg to stay, he never wanted me to sleep here with him, it was always me who wanted it.

"Why wouldn't I want you to stay?" The question is so amusing to me, but I don't say anything. I just shake my head giving him a little smile.

"Okay, I'll stay." I don't know why I don't just walk right out of there to meet Helena, but something about Louis is making me weak, he makes me feel things I don't want to feel... he isn't good for me, or good to me.

But he makes me feel like I am on fire, bad choice of word.

I send an answer to Helena telling her I won't be able to make it because something came up.

"Can I have one?" I ask Louis gesturing towards the cigarette that's still glowing in his hand.

"You don't smoke."

"I do whatever I want to." I don't know but I just need to go against him just to feel like I'm in charge of my own life... I know it's not true, I know that I would probably just as easily as before let him use me like some prostitute if it meant being loved by him.

I know that I am too deep in to whatever this is we're having, I would let him break me all over again just to be with him like this.

He hands me a cigarette but he doesn't offer to light it for me. When I make an attempt to light it he blows out the fire.

"You can have one but you aren't going to light it."

His words makes me smile, it's almost like he cares. I know he says he loves me and that he cares about me, but the memories keep coming up in the back of my head. Would you really treat someone so badly if you love them? He didn't love me back then, but what is different now?

"I need a drink." I mumble, moving out of his room to make my way to the kitchen where I know I can find something strong to numb my doubts with.

I hear how Louis phone rings, and when he doesn't follow me to the kitchen I'm guessing he is answering whoever it was calling him.

I grab a the cheap whiskey that's standing on the kitchen table and make my way back to the bedroom, taking a big gulp of it before entering.

"Fuck... I'll be right there." Louis say in to the phone while he is moving around the room getting dressed.

"Where are you going?"

"It's none of your goddamn business, just stay here until I get back."

"Either I'm coming with you or I'm leaving to hang out with my friend." I say feeling like a little kid, why do I have to stay here when I just cancelled something because he wanted to hang out with me.

"Okay come on then." He says and pulling on a jacket. I follow him out to the car and get a little worried when he speeds down the street. He usually speeds but this is different, it's like he actually is in a hurry to get there.

I don't pay too much attention to where we're going because I'm too scared of how fast Louis is speeding.

"Stay in the car." He says in such a strict tone, I don't listen.

I follow him in to the apartment building and feel a little uncomfortable when we step inside of an apartment that I remember... Zayn's.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" I look past Louis and my eyes stop on the bleeding boy on the ground, his face is so beaten that it's barely recognisable... barely. I see instantly who it is, Liam.

"He just kept going on and on about us and I just got so mad, I didn't mean for this to happen." Zayn sounds so small when he looks at the bleeding boy on the ground, he isn't moving.

"How long have he been out?"

"A while, I was waiting for him to wake up but he didn't and then I called you..." Zayn is sounding desperate when the words leave his mouth.

"Fuck, we need to get him to the hospital." I say, both Louis and Zayn looks at me like I am crazy.

"We're not taking him to a hospital." Zayn says in a hard voice.

"He will probably bleed out here on your bedroom floor if we don't" I try to keep calm, but Liam was always someone I liked, he was always nice... he don't deserve this.

"Then he will bleed out, we're not taking him to a hospital." Louis voice is so cold.

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