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When the concert ends everything just feels so unreal, I can't believe that just happened. I'm so full of energy from the music, I can't believe that Louis actually took me to a freaking concert.

"That was amazing! You are not allowed to hold the fact that I cried when they played missing you against me! Promise me that it will forever be our secret." I say while we walk back to the car, the magic from the concert is still there.

"It will be our little secret." Louis whisper in my ear while holding my hand, I feel like something have changed. It like the feeling of fear for my life around Louis have gone away. It should scare me because that means that I'm loosening up to him... but I want to do that.

I want to see what will happen. I know it's a horrible idea, because if it ends badly this time too then I won't be able to handle it.

"Stay at my place tonight." Louis says while opening the door to his car, he looks at me when I get in, waiting for my answer.

"Okay." Stupid idea, I know.

The music from the radio is playing low in the background while we're making our way back home. I smile a little when I hear Matty Healy's voice coming out of the speakers, I lean in towards the radio to turn it up only to find Louis hand already there ready to do the same thing.

"I know you love this song." He says and takes my hand in his while he lets the music take over the small space in the car, it's something so amazing about driving in the night with only The 1975 playing, it's just their sound that makes it such an memorable experience.

"I don't understand how this could be something you like? It's so depressing." Louis laughs and I try to make a small smile, he don't know about all the things he have turned him in to. He made me this way.

Oh I was thinking about killing myself, don't you mind.

I let the lyrics take over my body, the melody of the song is so soft and sad... but it's defiantly fit with the lyrics. The deepness of the melody just makes the song feel just as heavy as it should.

"I like it. It has meaning."

The rest of the ride home is nothing special, Louis doesn't really try to make conversation he just drives while holding my hand. It feels so natural when his hand is linked with mine.

He pulls up to the familiar house and I can't help but smile, it wasn't yesterday that I was here but damn it feels like it.

"Come on." He says, not demanding or anything more like a statement. It's not usual that he talks to me in another tone than a demanding one, I think I can get used to this different Louis.

I follow him to the front door and let him lead me in to the bedroom, just like many other times before. Memories from the past comes rushing back...

"You look so damn beautiful tonight." Louis is standing by the balcony just looking at me, I can help but smile at his words.

"Come here." I say making a hand gesture for him to come closer, this time it's my time to be in charge for once.

He doesn't question me or even say anything, he just moves closer to me. I feel like maybe this time we could make it work, maybe this time will be different.

I put my arms around him and lean down to leave a light kiss on his lips, the only light coming from the moons and the stars outside the balcony door.

I leave a trail of kisses down his neck just letting my lips lightly touch his exposed skin, I can feel how his breathing is getting a little unsteady. Loving the effect that I have on him. I am in charge right now, he doesn't order me around anymore.

This is me taking back the control that I once lost to the man in front of me.

Bet you didn't see this one coming? I've been gone for like months and here I am just pushing out chapters like a machine. I blame the huge cup of coffee that I drank during the last two chapters... I wasn't planning on continue writing today but turns out I'm just spitting out ideas tonight.  

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