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"You look like an idiot when you smile like that." Louis gives me a huge smile when he lets the words leave his mouth. He is driving down the road while the sun is shining bright in the sky. His sunglasses cover his eyes but somehow I know that his smile actually reaches his eyes to.

"I can't help it that you make me happy." I just say and let my hand touch the air outside the open window, the fresh air is so soft against my warm body. It's the end of summer and we're going down to a beach house that my grandparents own.

They let us borrow it for the weekend so we could enjoy the last bit of the British summer before we have to get back to the reality again.

"You're such a dork." Louis says and let a laugh out, he's happy. It's so nice to see Louis like this, it's such a change from how he usually is when he is around other people. With me he doesn't have to be the tuff guy, he can be himself... or at least I hope that is how he feels.

He drives down the road with big houses leading down to the beach.

"Take a left down by the red house." I say and point to the house that I'm talking about, he does as I say and I can see the small white house I used to spend all my summers in when I was younger.

"There it is." I point at the house and Louis parks the car outside of it.

We take out our bags from the back of his car and he follows me up to the house.

It's not a big house but it's defiantly enough for just the two of us.

"This is so cosy." He says when he looks around the house and I can't help but feel some sense of pride that he actually approves of the house.

I show him to the bedroom so we can leave the bags there.

"There is this really nice coffee shop down by the beach that I thought that we could eat lunch at." I say while changing in to a pair of jeans shorts.

"Sounds great, I'm starving." He answers, I look over to him and can't help but admire how he looks with the sunlight from the window hitting him, he just looks so beautiful. I know he would probably kill me if I said it out loud, but in my mind I will always see him as beautiful.

"Come on." I say when I'm done changing my clothes.

We walk down the street just letting the sun warm up our bodies, it's so nice here. Being here with Louis is something different than being at home with him, it's just like we're leaving our problems behind us for a few days.

He holds my hand, such a small gesture but I notice it. It's something that he rarely does back home, he acts softer around me here, like he isn't scared of showing affection instead of lust.

The air feels different here, it smells of the salt from the ocean. It feels fresher, lighter.

"Here." I say and open the door to the small coffee shop, they have some tables outside and I make a little mental note that we're going to sit there and eat.

"I'll have the chicken and pesto sandwich." Louis say to the guy behind the counter, I look at all the sandwiches they have and try to decide what I want.

"I'll have the Ciabatta with avocado and bacon." I say to him and leave a little smile.

"Anything else?"

"I'll just have coke." Louis says then looking over at me to tell me to order something to drink too.

"A cold brew please." I say looking at the big menu that they have with all the drinks they sell.

Louis pays and the guy tells us he will come out with our order, I thank him and we make our way out to the tables outside.

"It's such a perfect day." Louis says when he sits down in the chair, he looks happy. I don't think I have ever seen him this relaxed before.

We sit there just talking about memories when I used to come here as a kid, we talk about things do while we're here and places we want to visit.

The young man from behind the counter comes out with our order and the ciabatta looks amazing. It got chili cheese melt, avocado, tomato, fresh spinach and bacon on it.

Louis sandwich looks amazing too, it's grilled and have chicken, pesto, mozzarella, arugula and tomato on it.

"This tastes like heaven!" he says when he takes a bite of it and then he moves it towards me in a gesture for me to try it, I take a bite and I can't do anything else than agree with him.

"Here." I say offering him a bit of mine, which also happens to taste amazing.

"That is great, this place does 100% have the best sandwiches that I have tasted." Louis says as a statement while he takes a sip of his coke.

"Can I taste that? I have never had a cold brew." Louis suddenly say when I take my second sip of my coffee.

"Of course." I say handing him the plastic cup with the dark liquid in it.

He takes a sip of it and makes a face, defiantly not his thing.

"No, nope.... Coffee should be hot." He states while handing me back my cup, I smile at him because it just seems like such a unreal experience being here with him. This isn't something like Louis usually would do. He isn't the sitting down having lunch in the sun kind of guy, no he is more a burger at the local junk food place.

But now when he is here sitting in the sun with me just spending time together, I can't imagine him doing anything else.


We just lay there in Louis bed, cuddling while talking about everything and nothing. It just feels so magical being here with him.

"Do you remember that time we went to your grandparents summer house?" Louis says with a smile on his face, I'm guessing he is remembering how amazing the little weekend was.

"I would never be able to forget it." I say remembering how it felt like to walk hand in hand with Louis in the sand, just enjoying every moment of it.

"I want us to do that again sometime... promise me we will go there again." He says and looks at me, the look in his eyes is the same as he had back there, I've never felt more loved then when we we're just spending time together.

"Of course we will go there again." I say moving my hand over his arm just touching him makes me feel happy.

"Promise, no matter what."

"I promise."


It was a while since it's been a moment from 2014. I hope you guys like it.

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