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I've been staying by Zayn's side the whole day, it's weird because I never saw us ever spending time together just us. But here I am feeling like I am the only thing keeping him from breaking down.

I know people always said that Zayn didn't love Liam, but I don't think that is true. I think he did, but you don't realize what you have until you lose it.

I haven't heard from Louis since he left this morning, I'm not sure I want to know what he have been up to together with Helena. I don't understand how she could tell me to be with him, she is such a back stabbing bitch.

"You know he isn't good for you..." Zayn says, letting the cigarette in his hand raise to his mouth once again. I know.

"I can't help how I feel." I say and take a big breathe of my own cigarette, fuck I'm having a heart to heart with a man who I was pretty sure hated me before yesterday.

"You will end up just like Liam." His voice is cold, like someone turned a switch. But I know he is right, if I don't leave then it will be me who will bleed out on the floor... and I'm pretty sure I won't have anyone holding my head while I slowly die.

I watch as Zayn puts out his cigarette and leave me there to smoke on my own, this is the moment I should get my shit together and walk away. I should walk away from this mess that is my life... but I know that it's only in my head, I won't be able to leave him.

No one would ever want me the way he does... No one would love me like he does.

I can't let go of the feeling I get when I'm with him, damn I know he is bad... I know he is horrible for me, but I need him.

I don't know how long I stand out there in the cold winter air, but apparently long enough for Louis to actually return to pick me up. I can't feel my fingers and the cigarette is long gone by now.

"Get in." two words, that is everything he says to me. I don't even hasitate to listen to him, I get in to the car. I don't even have the time to put on my seatbelt before his lips are on mine, I don't know what is happening but I just kiss him back with just as much passion as he is giving me.

I didn't expect this when I sat down but damn I'm happy I got in to the car, he makes me feel so special.

"Damn you're so fucking beautiful today." There, it's stuff like that... when he says things like that I just forget all the bad things he does to me. I can't even feel the pain of him spending the whole day with Helena when he says things like that.

"We're going out tonight." He then continues, slowly getting back in to his seat to start driving down the street. He isn't speeding like he usually does, I actually feel safe.

"Where?" I ask feeling a smile creep up on my face, remembering the last time when he took me out. All Time Low. He actually took me to a concert with my favourite band, and now he wants to take me out again.

"Let's just say it's a surprise." He says, keeping his eyes on the road. I smile at him while just watching the outside pass by. He really knows how to make me forget all the bad things that is happening in my life... the bad thing he is causing my life.

He parks outside of his apartment and I follow him upstairs, I can feel how my breathe is taken away when he opens the door and I see the candles and flowers that he have put out everywhere.

Was this what he did all day? Plan this?

I try to get words to leave my mouth but I am so stunned by the fact that he did all this for me, he put so much effort in to this. I've never felt more loved than right in this exact moment.

"I would do anything to see that beautiful smile." The way he says those words makes me smile. I follow him to the bedroom and he crabs my hand when we enters, he really went all out on this.

He turns around to meet my eyes and all I can think of is how lucky I am to be with such a loving man. He leans in to leave a small kiss on my lips, I follow his lead and let him lead me to the bed. Soft kisses is left all over my exposed neck.

He kisses me while slowly moving his hand inside of my shirt, making my whole body tingle from his fingertips touching my bare skin.

He is so gentile with me when he moves his hands all over me, it's different from all the other times, it's full of emotions. Every other time it's been all about lust and heat... this is something completely different.

I'm not going to be one of those meaningless fucks he is used to having, no this is him actually making love to me.

I let all my senses be taken over by him, I let myself go completely to the love his giving me.

I would walk through hell to just have one moment like this. 

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