3 - Grace

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The steady hum of an engin wakes me up from the solid darkness and I growl, the drug in my body slowly fading as movement to my limbs come back into my controle. I knew just by looking out towards the sky I had slept for a day.

The humming underneath me alleterted me to the fact that I layed in the back of a pickup truck, along with another cage, the scent of the Alpha's daughter hitting me. Guess she didn't want to participate either. I think as I stretch my limbs, happy to be drugg free but pissed off that I couldn't move frealy, stuck in a tiny cage that only fit my wolf form.

It was pathetic really.

The fact that they would cage a grown woman just to prove a point in the era we called the twentyfirst century for crying out loud.

Taking a deep breath to calm my anger scents rush into my nose and a smirk spreads on my muzzle the realization of us beinf in the outskirts of my pack, near the edge of the border. If I could knock this cage onto the ground I would be set free, given a chance to run away and hide from the event that would take place soon for mateless wolves.

With that thought in mind I crouch, focusing on the center of the bars and push myself forward, feeling triumphant until I touched the metal and howled with pain.


Of course the bars would be silver, it sadly is the cryptenight to us werewolves, the only way to keep us locked inside the stupid cages or to harm us in any way, even kill us sadly.

With a wimper I stand and sit in the center, waiting for when my cage would be open, most likely at the start of The Run, and judging by the moon, tomorrow night will be when it takes place, sooner then I hoped but sadly it would happen no matter what.

With a small huff of breath I curl up into a ball, watching the scene change through those damned silver bars, the night quickly giving way to morning as time passes, the indigo sky coming alive with the hues of gold, orange, red, pink and violet as the sun claimed its glory.

The Run waited for me silently to join in a few hours now and if I wanted to win that bet with the Alpha then I would have to rest and save my strength, and so I let the safety of sleep surround me as who ever drove the truck carted me to the worst event ever.

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