40 - Caden

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The look on her face was priceless as Grace took in our suroundings. In front of us was a crystalline lake that reflected the night sky as stars twinkled on the surface.

"Is that a boat?" She gasps out in surprise and I smile. Tonight will be perfect.

"Yes." I whisper close to her ear, feeling her shiver. I never thought I would fall in love with someone from the run but here I am with the love of my life. Now all I had to do was man up around her and do what I planned to do.

"Would my Princess like to take a cruise on Lady Silver?" I ask with a British accent, wrapping my arm around her waist. The boat was a small yatch that was new with pristine reflective brass railings. I had gotten it just for her and for what I had planned.

"You named a boat after me! Caden what did I say about -" She started and I take her face between my hands and kiss her to stop the lecture I've heard many times.

This always works as she melts, her argument gone from her body as she molds her curves against my frame, her arms wrapping around my neck as my hands leave her face to pull her closer.

Slowly I bring move my face away from hers as our lips separate and she stares back at me, her face tinged with her blush as she bites her bottom lip. It took us a few weeks of dating for her to become this submissive around me and it made me feel special knowing she could relax and let me take controle, though we both knew that my silver haired Princess was the boss out of the two of us.

"Now, yes I named a boat after you and I know you hate it when I do but since this is your boat, you can rename it Grace." My statement is said calmly and I smirk as I watch her shocked expression take over. I loved surprising her, showing her off and letting everyone know I had the most beautiful girl with me. But most of all I loved being with her.

"This is mine?" She whispers as she turns to take in the tip of the sails to the bow and the stern.

"Caden, thank you." She was in awe and my smile widened as she pulled me back for another kiss, showing me her gratitude.

"Now you can go sailing whenever you want and go swimming in the ocean, that is after we move the boat." I say, poking her nose gently and getting a childish giggle from her.

I couldn't help but stare at her and watch her eyes travel up and down the boat that was now hers. During our first date she had told me all about how she would visit her uncle in a pack close to the ocean and taking her out to sea. It was how she became an amazing swimmer. She told me how those were her favourite memories growing up and I couldn't help but plan this night with the boat as a starter and the finally a surprise.

"Would you like to board the ship captain?" I ask, whispering into her ear and feeling her shiver.

"Yes I would." She giggles again and I wrap my arms around her slim waist, leading her to the stairs and letting her go first. The sound of her heals click against the wood as she tentatively explores the bow and deck of the front before making our way to the sole.

"Caden." Her voice is in awe as the view of the table for two comes into site, the twinkle of fairy lights illuminating the area enough for us to see but still keep the romantic air.

I watched as she steped forward, slowly getting into position behind her underneath the lights and smiling when she turns around.

"Grace will you..."

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