26 - Caden

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She is so cold

The though races through my mind as I carry Grace to a nearby cave, Amelia following closely as the small blonde hovered, making sure our Lady Silver was safe, the worry etched on the blonde girl's face as she takes in her sleeping form wrapped safely in the cradle created by my arms.

The sun was setting leaving a trail of pink, orange, yellow and gold in front of us, the blue night sky will be here soon. A soft sigh escapes Grace's lips and a soft smile plays at my own when the three of us finally reach the entrance to the cave, hidden behind a wall of bushes and - as Amelia told me - quite warm.

"Um, we have a slight problem" I say, watching Amelia slip in behind the Bush and make her way towards the entrance of our home for the night.

"What, you horny because if you are you're staying outside." The small girl states and I roll my eyes at her.

"No. But how do you expect me to slide into the cave with Grace asleep in my arms?" I retort with, a smug look crossing my face when Amelia curses before quickly coming into view and pushing the bushes back for me to pass by.

Once inside the cave I head for the soft mattress and carefully lay Grace onto it, grabbing the blanket from her pack and draping it over her.

"So." Amelia says from behind me and by the tone of her voice I knew this was going to be a long talk.

"You and Grace?" She quickly adds as I turn to face the blonde, sitting down beside the sleeping girl who was oblivious to our conversation.

"There is no me and Grace, not yet anyways." I say carefully. I could feel the protective bond radiating off of Amelia, the same one I felt the first time I met Grace with her snarling form above me. These two are inseparable.

"Well if you think you're going to mate her right away you're wrong. I will kill you if you even-"

"Amelia, I have been alone with the two of you how many times now and have I tried anything yet?!" I stated frustrated by the lack of trust from her. The Run was almost over and yet I never went after these two. I've done nothing but protect them and now I'm being treated like a lowly rogue

"Caden...I'm..." The look of shock on Amelia's face and then remorse that followed afterwards showed that I had made a point she couldn't argue.

"Look, I told you I wanted to be with someone I love and I think I have a crush on Grace and that I'm falling for her and I want to see where this goes. You know me now, you know I won't hurt her so please just back off and let us do our thing and see if me and Grace work out in the end." I say exasperated and exhausted. All I wanted was a good sleep and to finish running towards the lodge. Grace had a bet to win and I had a date to plan for us after this was over.

"Sorry Caden." Amelia's voice was small and I ran a hand through my hair, feeling the grit and dirt.

"Don't worry, I understand how protective you are of her and it's the same way she feels about you. You two are sisters whether you share the same blood or not." My voice was low as I say that and I sigh again, standing and stretching.

"I'm going to shift and lay beside Grace to help warm her up, you should get some sleep." Amelia just nodds at my statement and heads to the bed, laying down beside Grace and I smile, watching her gently play with her friend's hair.

I shifted quickly, my bones and organs realigning themselves as my jaw elongated and my hands and feet turned to paws. My gold hair turning to gold fur and finally my ears turn to a piont. The sound of my tail swishing back and forth as I make my way towards the two, laying down on Grace's other side, watching her turn to snuggle into my fur.

"Protect her Caden, and don't break her heart please." Her voice was a whisper but I heard it clearly, turning my head to look at Amelia who stared at me with sleepy eyes and all I could do was nodd while she falls asleep.

For a while I stayed where I was, watching the rise and fall of the girl's chest as howls filled the air. We would have to make a break for the finish line if these two wanted to make it out unmated and for a shot at a future with Grace.

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