36 - Caden

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Grace was sleeping peacefully now and I took the time to just watch her, as creepy as that sounds. I took in her long silver hair that had been washed and combed, her face that was pale from all the blood that she lost, and her full lips, the way they twitched into slight smiles as she dreamed.

She didn't want me for my title but for me and who I am as a person and that made my hear soar. I was her futre King and maybe, just maybe, she would become my future Queen. But I had to deal with my father first.

With a sigh I kiss her temple gently, taking in her rose and peppermint scent that smelt fresher since some one bathed her, and got off the bed, taking one last look at who I hoped was my future before I left the room. Come tomorrow Grace will be fully healed and the celebrations for the run being over would happen that same night.

[Caden out side now] my father mind linked me as I exited the hospital and make my way around the large wooden structure of the logde.

[Already here.] I linked back, my father's gaze meeting mine.

He stood tall and proud on a podium with the crowed gawking and submitting to the power he emits outwards and I scoff at it. My father was growing weaker with each year and it was time for his reign to come to an end, whether he likes it or not.

"Hello packs from ever corner of North America and thank you all for being here in this memorable event." The crowd cheered and I rolled my eyes. The Run was not memorable, it was hell.

"As you know I am the Alpha King and I am proud to be the Alpha of Alpha's and the supervisor of The Run. This year's event has proven to be...different as a group of Ragers were put in their place by a she wolf." The crowd chuckles at that and pride sweeps through me at Grace's bravery.

"But now it is time to announce my heir who will take over my personal pack as well as the throne. Some may think that my only son will be king but he is a dissapointment. For four years he has participated in The Run, that's 8 times he had a chance to pick a mate to be his Queen. But the pup only wanted to save girls and not mate them li-"

"MATE THEM!?" I growl out as the crowd turns and parts a path for me.

"What do you mean by mate them because all I see is rape and murder and kidnapping." I was furiouse at the way my father was talking about me.

"Caden stand down!" My father growls and I slowly step towards him.

"No! I am sick an tired of shewolves being treated like property. It may have passed a hundred years ago and before that but we are in an era where women have rights!" I exclaim, males growling at me and females growling at them, steping forwards to gather behind me.

"She wolves make up most of the were wolf population here. They provide pups and a welcoming home, we should be treating them as equals because I sure as hell know I wouldn't be strong enough to carry a pup." I add, turning to look at other males who realized I was speaking the truth and nodded their heads, joining the she wolves.

"Caden now is not the ti-"

"I think it is the time, father." I spit out with venom as I interupt and turn to look at the man who has corrupted his generation.

"Its time for a change and it starts with me." The wolves who gather around me cheers and I smile. I would take the crown from my father and rule, whether or not I had a mate beside me.

"Caden I am warning you. Felix is my heir now so stand down!" My father roars out and I stare at him with hatred.

"No! I challenge you for the title of Alpha King." I growl out, my eyes as gold as my hair as my father growled, the sound of his clothes ripping as a brown wolf glared at me.

I didn't have time to shift as my father rushes to where I stand, his wolf leaping into the air as his claws extend towards my face. Quickly I duck and roll to the ground, shifting into my gold wolf and letting the nice clothes tear apart as I stood on all four, fur bristling with rage as I took in my father.

We circle each other for a few minutes and I wait, knowing he would be on the offense. And I was right as he lunges at me and I meet him half way as I claw his face, fur tearing apart in my claws as the blood that gave me half my life flows down his face.

He stumbles back whimpering and the crowd gasps as I rushed forward, bitting and clawing his body as I leave him no space to doge or retaliate. The ground was coloured in red and brown as fur and blood are removed from my father. He was weak and this challenge was coming to an end.

Growling I lunge for his neck,  forcing my father to the ground as I continue to growl and he flails helplessly.

[This will not end Caden, I will kill you one day and reclaim what's mine!] My father's angry voice fills not only my ears but that of every wolf here and I bite down harder.

[Thats why you end now.] I state menacingly and I watch as realization fills my father's eyes and I bite down, snapping my father's neck and claiming the title of Alpha King.

With sad eye I watch the light goes out of my father and send a silent prayer that the Goddess gives him a spot he deserves in the moon. One where all he has tortured can get their revenge.

The crowd cheers at my victory as I stand proudly, the rush of power entering me as I puff up. I was the king now.

The scent of roses and peppermint fill my nose and I let out a wolfish grin, ready to see Grace.

"CADEN WATCH OUT!" Her voice is filled with warning and before I know it I was being tackled by a feral grey tawny wolf, Felix.

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