13 - Grace

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I continue alog the river, stoping to rest every now and then as the night continues strong. But I knew I would have to sleep soon, find a place where wolves cant find me while they continued the run. One thing is certain, I wouldn't let another male wolf near me.

The wind was blowing behind me as I raked my memory of the map, trying to remember where a cave or a tree house was, the only one being about a block or two behind me.

Signing, I turn around the scent of Amelia hitting me first then another scent. A male.

I growl, my protective instinct over some one like my sister, the one who will be my Alpha, fills me and I don't hesitate, making my way back down the path, stoping at the cave I was planing on using as my shelter to deposite my bag and clothing and shifting, letting my body form into my silver wolf, my bones reforming quickly to fit my body to my new form and my organs rearanging their position.

I was used to the shift, the pain no existant now as I have been in my wolf form more then my human since my first shift and I sneeze, the smells and sounds assulting me for a brief moment before I adjust and rush out the cave, my paws thudding against the forest floor in the crisp fall night.

I had to get to my friend before the sun came up and get her to safety. Slinking off towards the river I slowly start to stalk the male, his scent of fresh forest on a winter's day stuck in my nose. But I would not let him hurt my Alpha.

The forest stills as if the animals knew my intent and I reach the two, seeing his hand gripping hers and a feral growl escapes my lips.

"Grace don't!" Amelia screams as I take off and tackle the male wolf, my jaw around his throat as my sharp teeth press into his skin, saliva dripping onto him as I allow threatening growls to escape me.

"Grace he isn't going to hurt me." My friend states in a whisper as she rushes to my side, her hand pressing into the spot between my shoulders calmly against my fur, massaging the area.

"He has been helping me find you and keeping me safe so I can be with Briden." The truth of her words have the fur on my form slowly relaxing and I remove my jaw away from the male, keeping my weight on him as slow rumbles move from my throat and I set my sapphire eyes on him with a glare.

"Clearly she doesn't trust me." The man states as he looks over his shoulder at Amelia, my lips curling back as I snarl.

"But I trust her Caden. She is just protecting me like she's always done since we were pups." Amelia states, rubbing the top of my head before she gives me a hug.

[I trust him Ace.] She links me now that we were close enough to comunicate, using the nick name from our childhood.

[You sure Meme?] I ask back, turning my silver fured head to look at her.

[Yes.] Her thought is truth and I nodd, nuzzling the girl who was like my baby sister before I slowly lift my weight off of the male.

[But if he tries anything I'll hurt him.] I reply with, huffing an exasperated breath out as I turn and back away, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

His scent overtakes me again and I couldn't help but think that I could get used to it. The smell of the forest in summer on a warm breezy day.

"I'm Caden-" I growl when he interrupts my thoughs as he stands and starts walking towards me, making him stop in his tracks.

"And I guess you're not in a trusting mood still Lady Silver." He states and I tilt my head, hearing him give me a nickname right away.

[Follow me.] I link Amelia and stand, turning around and walking towards the cave.

"She wants us to follow her." I hear her say and the sounds of two sets of footsteps follow me.

I reach the cave first, the two lingering a few feet behind me as I enter the safety of the solid rock, changing back to my human form and putting my clothes on.

Their steps echo into the cave and I frown as I lean against the cave wall, the male wolf, Caden walking in first and leaning against the wall opposite me as Amelia walks past both of us to lay on the large matress.

"Who are you?" I get straight to the point, letting my power radiate off of me as he takes his time to chose his words carefully.

He knew the power I had and he was smart to be afraid. One thing was certain, this was going to be a long day.

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