41 - Grace

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The lights glitter above the table in the sole beautifully and I smile. This boat, yatch, was amazing and it was mine. But Caden knew I would have loved this night even if we were on a row boat he made.

I couldn't help but tear up as I think of all the things he has done for me since we started dating. The big bad Alpha King spoiling me like it was nothing was cute and every wolf in his kingdom came to love him as their King. He wasn't cruel and I couldn't help but love him more and more.

Turning around I go to thank him again only to find him kneeling on one leg, his eyes shining with unshed tears and...hope.

"Grace will you..." He starts, trailing off as he nervously looks to the sky before looking at me with love and adoration.

"Grace. My Princess and the love of my life. Will you marry me? Will you share my life with me and be mine?" My eyes widen as tears flow freely down my face, shocked and extremely happy as I look down at the man who I nearly killed all those months ago in The Run.

Thank you Amelia for stoping me.

"Grace?" Fear takes over his eyes as I slowly lower myself to my knees and cry harder, unable to answer.

"Grace I'm sorry if this is to fast!" Panic raises into his voice and I feel bad. He thought I didn't want to marry him but the thing was I was too happy to say anything but cry.

"I'm sorry I just-" I could help it as I launch myself into his arms and kiss him, pouring all my happiness and love into it as I let go, let my guard down completely and finally allow myself to be free and happy.

His arms tighten around my waist as he pulls me closer, our bodies flushed against each other as our lips moved perfectly in sync, our tongues find their path into each others mouth as they dance.

Sadly he pulls away from me, panting heavily as I look at him, still crying.


"What?" He asks confused and I realized I had whispered too quietly to hear.

"Yes. Yes I'll marry you, I'll be yours and you'll be mine." I exclaim as I cry harder, feeling him pull me to his chest as I burry my face into the crook of his neck inhaling his calming scent.

"You will?" He asks hopefully and I nodd.

"Yes." I laugh as he holds me at arms length, amazement in his eyes. He was such a dork.

"I love you Grace." He says as he pulls me in for a hug, his face burying into my hair and inhaling my scent deeply.

"And I love you Caden." I say, wiping away more tears. I was finally getting my fairytale ending.

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