10 - Caden

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Amelia, as it turned out, was a great tracker and managed to pick up Grace's scent by the river withing two hours, that was now three hours gone in the run.

When I insisted we go down river like her scent she just laughed at me and called me an idiot.

"Think about it Caden, the river is going that way." She points down river the way the water was flowing. And I sighed, seeing her point. But she continued anyways.

"Grace's scent is also coming goig down river and its now fading meaning that  she in no longer tracable, but I know that she is now up river." The little blonde states and I nodd.

"I guess that would make sense." I say, turning to face the direction the water was coming from. I guess I was right about her from the start, right about Grace being smarter then she let on. And Amelia is a great leader, why would her father wanted to have her broken down when she would do amazing things for her pack.

"Caden, when we get out of here will you promise to form a treaty with me?" Her voice was small as she looked away. She seemed nervous about her request and I smiled at her reassuringly.

"I was thinking the same thing." I state, seeing a look of shock cross her doll features.


"Yeah, why?" I was confused at her reaction. I knew a treaty would be great with her and I felt like Amelia would be a friend I could trust with my life and my pack.

"Because a normal male wolf would feel threatened if a female was Alpha." She states and I laugh.

"Really, and out of the two hours you've known me you should know I'm not normal." I say between chuckles, watching her face turn red as she glared at me, pushing past me and nearly causing me to fall into the water as she made her way towards where her friend hopefully was.

We walked in silence for a few minute, Amelia's guard up as she scanned the forest for other wolves. She was still worried that some one would mate her forcefully.

With a sigh I quicken my pace so that I was beside her, keeping my senses alert for any potential threat

"Thank you." She whispers and I turn my head to look at her.

"For what?"

"For not being like them and for protecting me. You remind me of Briden. We even made plans to meet at a tree house in a willow, told Grace about it and even showed her where it was on the map so that -" she stoped as a look of realization croses her small face and a grin spreads from her lips.

"And the willow is just up river." She switches subject, taking off the shirt and shifting into wolf form, looking at me as if to say hurry up idiot.

I quickly undress, throwing the clothes into my bag and shifting into my gold wolf. With the straps of my bag around my neck, I look to Amelia, motionig her to lead the way and we take off, our paws kicking up pebbles on the shore.

The river snaked across the land, and it felt like hours passed as we kept up a steady pace, the sun rising into the sky and I growled slightly, getting a questioning glance from my companion.

With quick movements, I rush infront of her, forcing her to stop and look at me like I've lost my mind. I look up to the sky and back down at her, hoping she would understand that day time was dangerous. But it seemed like she didn't as she tried to get past me.

With a slight growl, I head but her shoulder gently, nudging her away from the river's edge and into the forest, scenting the air for a cave and making sure she was following me.

Finally my luck pays off as I find a cave hidden behind bushes, pushing her into it and marking the bushes with my scent to hide her, and just in time as two males run past me, stoping and smirking at me.

"Hey goldy, get a mate?" One asks out with a chuckle and I shift, leaving my bag beside me on the ground as I lut a smug look on my face.

"Hell yeah, and an alpha's daughter. Guess I'll be living in luxury now with a skinny little brunette to keep me company." The men laugh, slapping my back proudly.

"Nice man, well have fun as an alpha and if you see any she wolves, direct them down river for us will you?" The second male says and I nodd, chatting with them for a bit before they leave, off to claim their own mate.

Sighing at the neer miss I pick up my bag and head into the cave, Amelia still in her wolf form.

"You're safe, I marked the entrance so anyone who comes neer here will think I'm screwing my mate. Get some sleep and we can continue later tonight when its safer." I say, setting my bag down and noticing that the cave was clean. A queen size matress was pressed in the corner of the cave and a bag hung from a hook on the wall and thats where I head, grabbing the bag and searchig its contents.

"Looks like you have gear now." I say, turning to find her curled up on the makeshift bed, her tail covering her face. I chuckle and place Amelia's new bag next to mine and shift back to my wolf, curling into a ball beside her on the matress, watching the entrance for an hour before I let sleep take me.

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