34 - Caden

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I ignored every wolf that tried to come forward and take Grace away from me, growling protectively with menace radiating from my body as I rushed by, wolves fearful for their lives as they clearly the way for me. With out hesitation I run towards the lodge and past the old building to the newer one just behind it, the smell of bleach and healing skimming my nose.

"Master Caden so nice-"

[Just heal her.] I mind link the doctor, taking down all of the barriers from my mind and cutting him off as my power radiated off of me in waves. It was time for me to be who I truly am. It was time for me to show Grace who I am meant to be.

"CADEN!" I knew that voice well. It was my father and judging by that tone, he was not happy with me. The door slams open behind me as the doctor and his team takes Grace's form, her body being whisked away to one of the rooms for patients.

"You insufferable fool. You had two wolves to chose from and neither holds your scent!" I growled, turning a sharp glare to the man I had to call my father, my Alpha. The king of all werewolves in North America and the man Grace despised probubly just as much as I do.

"Don't you growl at me you filth. This was your last chance and now I'll make Felix my heir." He leered at me. But now wasn't the time to deal with him. Not yet.

My body shook with rage but Grace was more important then the man standing in front of me. So I shifted.

My body shook and my bones snapped as my muzzle became a smooth face, my claws shortening to nails as my body rearranged itself and I stood infront of my father.

"You're not worth it. Grace needs me and that's where I'll be. When I know she is done be prepared to lose that title Alpha King" My eyes glowed gold in the sign of a challenge before I turned around and followed Grace's scent to a room in the back away from everyone else.

As I was reaching for the door knob, the blue steal door opens and a nurse walks out, her eyes of utter shock as she takes me in and smiles.

"Hey Cay, been a long time." Karina Randall says and I shook my head at her.

"Not right now Riri." As great as it was seeing my half sister, I was more focused on the glimpse of silver hair. When did she shift?

"I see, some one got puppy love." Karina cooed at me and I growled, not wanting to deal with her teasing.

"Got it, not happy." She raises her hand in surender before pointing to a door on the left I hadn't noticed before.

"Go take a shower and change into some clothes. That room is just for males. She is still under anesthesia so you don't have to worry for now." My sister says sternly. For some one who is four years younger then me she was sure bossy. But I got her point. I looked like hell and smelt like I died and it would probubly make Grace uncomfortable.

With a sigh I turn where directed and find myself in a room that resembled a locker room. A row of showers on one side and rows of open lockers with clothes on the other.

Quickly I take the nearest shower and scrub my body clean, the tension seeping our of my sore muscles as I relaxed under the warm spray.

My thoughs went back to the male Grace took down, the way she faught him and protected Amelia. It was admirable.

I knew I had to carry her to safety after she made me help Amelia across the border and as much as I was encouraged to cross the blue line I went back for my Lady Silver and I'm happy I did.

But the sight of defeat on her form when I stood infront of her had my jaw clenching. I wouldn't hurt her but by the way she could barely move I could see her being taken by another male.

And the blood. It had dripped down steadily leaving a line of red, a trail. She had lost so much. And I almost lost her.

Slaming my fist against the tiled wall and cracking it into shards, I step out and dry myself with the clean towel beside my stall, grabbing some clothes and dressing quickly, not bothering with shoes. I'm sure Karina would bring me some later.

I tied half of my shoulder length hair back to keep it out of my face and search around for a razor, happy to find the electric shaver in a cabinet by a sink as I trim my beard down to a centimeter and cleaned up the edges.

I know it was vain of me to want to look good but I wanted to look good for Grace. Call me girly but I still wanted a shot of falling in love with her. She didn't know who I truly was and I wanted her to see me as heir to the North American werewolves.

With a sigh I take one last look in the mirror and make my way out of the room I've dubbed locker room and head towards Grace's. The hallway was quiet but I could hear the faint movements of hospital life as wolves from the run who were severely hurt were ushered into the building for treatment. I was just glad that Grace was taken care of first.

With a small smile I turn and open the door, instantly getting hit with the aggression in the room and a loud slap reverberating off the walls

"You're a filthy bîtch!"

[A/N: Please read the coment I will leave below this chapter]

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