24 - Caden

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The snapping of twigs infront of me have me stopping in defense and growling a warning to whom ever stood in my way of Grace. Sensing the shift in the forest, the quietness of the wildlife and the sounds of frantic crashing Amelia tenses above me as we wait.

Suddenly nineteen shewolves come running in my direction, halting their race to freedom as they take in my form and I slowly relax, giving them a stiff nodd. These girls look like they've been through hell and back.

Amelia shifts above me before I feel her slip off and walk towards the girls with her hands up nonthreateningly,

"We're not gunna hurt you, we're on our way to save a friend." She says gently and I smile as best as a wolf could at her. She will make a great alpha.

Suddenly the crack of bones catch my attention and I take a protective stance infront of Amelia, the she wolves parting infront of me with weary looks as a girl who's eyes were a deep chocolate colour comes forward.

"Are you friends with the silver haired wolf?" She asks and I nodd, Amelia stiffening at her question.

"Just behind us is the lake, she stayed back to fight them, the Ragers. She...she saved all of us-" She says and I don't hear anything else as I race towards where Grace was last seen by the she wolves, crashing through the forest until I find myself leaving the safety of trees to see the beautiful lake before me, blood now stringing the water.

With fear sinking into me I shift, wobbling on my unsteady legs as I walk around the edge, knowing something had happened in the now bloody lake and not wanting to swim into it unless Grace needed me.

"Grace!" I call out, my eyes frantically searching for the flash of silver I've come to love.

"Grace where are you!?" I was close to crying as I walked the perimeter, no sign of her anywhere.

"Grace!" I was loosing hope.

"Caden?" I froze, the scent of roses and peppermint filling my nose as I turn to see Grace laying half in and half out of the water and I let out a sob of relief, rushing towards her and kneeling in the sand to gently pick her up and hold her close to my chest.

"You're okay." I whisper out while tears flow down my cheeks. I was never more relieved in my life then I was now.

Her sapphire eyes flicker to mine as her hand gently brushes away my tears and I turn into her palm, kissing the inside gently and catching the blush in her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I let them take you." I whisper to her as I let some more tears fall, her own eyes tearing up.

"You didn't let them take me, you fought to protect me and I'm guessing you came for me." She says and I couldn't help but kiss her, letting my emotions take over as I pull her closer, feeling her arms wrap around my neck as she kisses me back, her lips moving with mine as I let the relief and the hope of a future for us show itself in the small act.

My tongue darts out and flicks across her bottom lip and I am surprised when she moans and opens for me, my tongue dancing with hers in a dominant battle but in the end I back down. Letting her take controle of the kiss before the need for air breaks us apart and we press our foreheads together.

"When the run is done will you go on a date with me?" She asks shyly and I look at her with wide eyes.

"Couldn't you at least let me be there stereotypical guy and ask you out first." I joke and she giggles.

"Nope, I'm the boss." She states and I knew it, kissing her forehead gently.

"Okay, fine." I whisper, tucking a strand of her wet hair behind her ear.

"So am I gunna ask why you're both cuddling naked because there was enough time for you two to finally do the deed." We both jump at Amelia's words, not realizing she had joined us.

"I'm still unmated, for now." Grace says matter of factly and I smile because I knew I didn't want to loose her now that I had her in my arms.

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