6 - Caden

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I finally reach the starting area for The Run, parking my hummer beside all the other cars and stepping out.

The first thing that hits me are the scents of so many wolves in one area. Some were hostile, wanting a chance to rip into each other while others were friendly. I knew instantly just by the way the air shimered with emotions that I had to be careful here.

Slowly I make my way to the starting line, cages already being lined up and set as a barrier for the she wolves who wanted nothing but to rip the head off of any male who came to close, all but her.

She was a silver wolf, her posture relaxed and indifferent to her suroundings, as if she was some where other then at The Run.

I smile at her.

Unlike the wolves who wasted their energy growling and snarling at anyone who got too close, she rested, saving her strength. But I could sense the rage, the disgust inside her.

The other males commented at how boring she was, how she was nothing but a weakling. They wanted someone to break, some one they could slap around. But what they didn't see with this silver wolf was the way her tail twitched, her ears moving towards a certain sound.

She was planning and listening.
She would make it out of the forest unmated.

And I was intrigued.

While the others mingled, I stayed back, my eyes glued to the silver wolf as I waited for the night to end. I knew what I wanted to do.

With my mind made up I stretched, heading to my hummer for my bag as the moon started its climb. It was now a waiting game until The Run began.

I sighed, taking a moment to look at the three dimensional map that was carved out of an ancient oak stump. The forest was large that it would take seven days for a wolf to make it from the starting line, where we all waited, to the other side and the safety of the lodge. Between here and there layed rivers, mountains, caves and lakes as well as a few hidden traps.

If the she wolves were smart they would head to a cave first, they always housed gear. For the height loving ones a tree house was situated every so ofter with more gear, but no female was smart enought to climb a tree. They would rather run until hunger and exhaustion breaks them and they give up.

But I had a feeling that Lady Silver was smarter then that, she wanted freedom and I planed on helping her, even if my motive was to ask her on a date at the end of this event.

Smiling I turn back to stare at her, she was standig now as the blue hue started to emerge from the edges of the moon. I couldn't wait to see what would happen, what she would do.

Looking around it seemed like I was the only male watching her, but I knew the weaker wolves would be after her, thinking that she would be an easy target, but I knew better then to underestimate a wolf with quick perception.

Howls from the cages reach my ears as time seemed to slow down, the forest turning a briliant blue as the magic that would last a week started twine its grasps into this world, the shimmer of a barrier around the forest taking shape.

The air was steeped with anticipation, excitement, hatred and dread. Sounds of shifting could be heard as males turned into their wolf form, ready to catch their prize.

Finally, the moon reached its saphire blue form and the cages were open, Lady Silver bolting into the trees with the rest of the females slowly behind her, some in human form others in wolf, following after her, leaving the males in awe at her speed, a silver streak in the blue night.

But we had to wait, give the she wolves a ten minute head start.

Time passed again and with the sound of a gun shot the men took off, scenting the air for the females they wanted as I lazily walked into the forest.

I was in no rush because I knew deep down that I would see Lady Silver again, for now I just had to wait.

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