16 - Caden

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The moon was slowly rising in the darkening sky and I sigh, my paws padding onto the ground. The Ragers were gaining on us and the only way I knew we would get away from them safely was if we cut through the center of the forest where most of the traps were located.

With a plan in mind I rush past Grace and stop her, motioning her to follow me and she growls. Guess she didn't like taking orders.

With a growl of my own I nudge my head against hers, using my eyes to plead with her to listen. With a huff of her breath she nodds her head, letting me take the lead. With out thinking I drop my bag and lick her silver fured face before I grab my bag again and quickly trott in a new direction.

But not before I notice a slight blush on her shocked face.

Their soft footstets started following me after a few moments of silence and I pick up the pace. I knew we were heading in the direction of the cabin but it was also in the direction where traps and wolves were.

If my plan failed these girls would end up dead or worse, mated.

With a small prayer to the Moon Goddess I pick up my pace and run through the blue lit forest, my ears flickering to the sounds of a chase behind us and I surpressed a growl. The Ragers were picking up speed as they hunted us down. If they caught us things would not end well.

First they woukd take me out, leavig me injured and unconscious possibly never to wake up till the end of the run. Then they would hunt down the girls, capturing Grace and Amelia and bringing them to their hide out and mate them with the countless females they already had.

I had to keep them safe. They were my friends and I promised I would help them.

The forest was getting denser as we ran and a flash of silver fur reaches the corner of my eye as I turn to look at Grace, her silver head nodding towards the left and I nodd back, lettig her lead me and Amelia to a spot left of us.

It turned out that she led us to a waterfall, a crystal pool at the base with small streams branching out, Grace diviving right in, swimming towards the waterfall with Amelia following afterwards, leaving me slightly dumbfounded until I hop into the cold water.

I kept my gaze on Grace, watching her silver body dip under the waterfall. I was scared, wating to help save her from the rushing water until Amelia goes under.

To say I was confused was an understatement but I paddled over to where they disappeared, taking a leap of faith and submerging myself into the cold water and swimming under the waterfall, resurfacing on the other side to find a cave

Leave it to these two to keep surprising me. I think and follow the path of dripping water as I leave the cold crystal pool and padding deeper into the cave.

"Why are we going into the middle of the forest?" Grace's angry voice reaches me as soon as I enter the chamber, her body wraped in a towel with Amelia wraped in a blanket.

Sighing I shift and go to grab my bag, pulling out the towel I had in it and wraping it around my body.

"The middle has traps.I was thinking we lead them into a trap and then race to the forest." I say, turning to glare at the girl as she glares at me.

"Are you insane? We could end up traped ourselves." She yells at me, stepping into my personal bubble with her arms crossed. Goddess help me because this shewolf will be the death of me.

"I'm not insane. I was trying to protect you and Amelia." I yell back at her five foot four form. I towered over her but she was making me feel small with that gaze of her.

She sighs and looks past me to the mouth of the cave after my statement, her sapphire eyes glazing slightly before snapping that stare back to me.

"They gave up on us, for now. If you have a plan tell me now or leave. I can take care of Amelia and myself. I've always have and always will." She states coldly, her head turning to catch Amelia fast asleep on the big matress in the corner in her blonde wolf form.

With a sigh the girl turns to look at me, giving me another glare.

"We have two hours until the Ragers figure out there is a cave behind the waterfall. That means you have an hour to get your plan straight. From there I decide if it will work of if we make a dash for it and mask our scent." She finalizes for me as she sits on the cold ground, waiting for me to tell her the plan I had. If she didn't like it then I was screwed.

"Well, the plan is..."

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