28 - Caden

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I didn't think Grace would give in to my condition of her riding on my back but I was happy to know that she knew when to back down.

With a nodd of my head I hold her tightly to me and smile into her hair, now dull from all the dirt and grim that has collected on all of us these last few days.

"I'm running in wolf form too." Amelia states as she walks over, Grace and I separating long enough to let her into the hug as the three of us held each other tight.

"I love you guys so much." It was a soft whisper but I heard it clearly as if Grace had yelled it and I couldn't help but turn my head to kiss her temple.

"Let's go you two. We are past the halfway mark and if we run all day and all night we will make it by tomorrow night." I state to the girls as I pull away.

I have many friends back home but one thing was for sure these two infront of me were my best friends and have seen the side of me my family would ridicule.

"Okay, Grace will you be able to hold the bags?" Amelia asks and I watch as Grace places her hands on either side of her hips and smile.

"I may be injured but I'm not weak." Lady Silver states and I chuckle at the two. They may not be blood but they were definitely sisters.

While they bickered I quickly striped put of my clothes and shifted, waiting five more minutes before I nudged my head against Grace's stomach and nuzzled her, feeling her hands fist my fur gently.

"I guess he wants to leave." Amelia sighs before I hear her strip and shift. Grace backed up from me for a moment to collect all the bags and whatever she could find that was useful in this cave before she climbs onto my back, laying flush against me and I revel in the feel of her.

I let Amelia take the lead as we exit the cave, careful of the bushes, before we trotted into the day. This was the first time we traveled in the open since the night this event started and I hated how vulnerable we were with no cover of the night.

The forest was quiet and it didn't surprise me. This late in The Run most females were being mated and the ones who weren't were making a mad dash to the lodge and had learned to avoid the middle.

But now we were heading right through it.

All three of us stayed silent, careful not to make to much noise or else we would be discovered by mateless wolves. If that happened I would have to fight them to protect the girls or flee with them. Neither option would end well and I guess the Amelia and Grace understood because of the long silence that stretched between us.

"Leave me alone!" This was a male shrieking and I stoped, feeling Grace sit up and sniff the air.

"I...I don't want to hand her over, she is the love of my life!" He yelled again and I felt Grace getting ready to drop to the ground.

Here we go again.

With a sigh I take off in the direction of the voice, Amelia hot on my heels.

"Thank you." Grace whispers, patting my shoulder gently as we clear the trees to enter a clearing.

"I said shut up you stupid mutt." A familiar voice enters my head and I bristle. One of my pack member was facing away from me with a girl unconscious underneath him, her body sprawled out as he moved to place himself between her legs.

The fur along my spine bristled as I let out a growl, watching as Leon, a trusted warrior, stiffens and turns to look at me.

"A-alpha...so n-nice to see y-you." He stammers, slowly removing himself away from the she wolf as I let Grace slid off of me, hearing her rush to the large tree that housed a cage hanging from it.

[Leave.] I commanded Leon, watching him pale as my eyes bore into him.

"But Alpha." He whimpered and I let out a growl that shook the trees.

"Y-you sir." Leon turn and ran, shifting mid step as he fled with his tail between his legs, but not before i saw the tattoo all members have on their neck.

"Caden. Who was he?" Grace was standing behind me with an injured male as he slowly removed himself from her and hobbled to the girl lying on the ground.

I looked away, ashamed that I hid something from these two. I didn't want them to know who I truly was but that stupid fool Leon had to ruin it. I told them not to take the run and all of them listened. All but him.

"Caden!" I sighed and shifted, glad that in all this time they knew me they never saw the tattoo on my neck.

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