37 - Grace

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I watched as the tawny wolf tackled Caden from behind with out a challenge. That was wrong and illegal in the eyes of the community.

The crowd gasps and I growl harshly, shifting as I run towards my golden wolf, my silver fur glistening in the sun as I tackle the Wolfe away from the newly named Alpha King.

The wolf growls at me and I growl back, my fur standing on end as my eyes dare him to make a move. And he did.

Leaping into the air the tawny wolf goes to claw at my throat but I duck, rolling on the ground and dodging him before getting to my feet and snapping my jaw around the soft part of his throat. By law the defended of the wolf who was blindsided could kill the wolf if they wanted but I wanted to hear why this wolf tried to kill Caden.

The wolf snarles at me and I growl as he flairs around, trying to be free of my sharp canines but I clentch down hard on his throat, drawing blood and a yelp from this feral creature, but he presses on. His aim was to be free so he could kill and I was getting pretty pissed off with him.

With my front paw I sweep out both his front paws and follow as the front of his body falls to the ground, keeping my grip on him. It was only a matter of time before he submitted to me.

"Felix, it's over. Grace has won." Caden's voice was loud and clear as the wolf, Felix, submits under me and I back away, feeling a gentle hand on my head and I pur, looking to Caden.

"Shift Felix." It was a command no wolf could refuse and I was glad it was directed at this Felix. I watch as he tries to resist the comand, sitting back and relax as the wolf finally shifted and a skinny, greasy rat like person sits on the floor.

"Go to hell Caden. Your dad was gunna make me King." He spits out, causing a growl from me to come forth as fear flickers in his eyes. Good, be very afraid of me.

"And I challenged him fairly and won, unlike you who attacked me like the coward you are." I could feel the anger radiate off of the new Alpha King and stayed as still as possible so that I didn't shy away from him. Instinct told me to run but I knew Caden wouldn't lash out at me.

"Well I should have been the new King, not a pathetic wolf like you." I growled again, this time snapping a few inches away from his face as he disrespects Caden.

"Tell that whöre to calm down. A women should know her place." Felix snaps as he points a finger at me, one I gladly bit off as the sound of flesh ripping away and bones snapping filled the air with his screams of pain, me throwing the finger in a puddle of mud.

"Grace knows her place as a powerful beta and a great warrior. You, on the other hand cousin, are a weak omega. A coward. And you know the punishment for attacking a wolf with out a direct challenge. Gace, if you would you may kill him." I smirked as my tongue lolld out and I watch fear, no, terror wrap around Felix and he slowly stood before taking off.

"You gunna go after him?" Caden asks amused and I rolled my eyes as I softly padded after the rat, the trail of blood leading me to him as he attempts to climb a tree.

I growl to alert my presence, causing him to straighten as he turns around and my claws meet his neck. He would die a slow painfull death as he bleeds out, collapsing to the ground. He strains for breath as the air causes his blood to create a gurgling sound and I smile, watching as life fleas from his body like he fled from me.

Finally the light in his eyes goes out and Felix is dead, a long triumphant howl leaves me before I walk away. I'll let the animals take care of his body.

My first stop was the clinic where I was led by a nurse, Karina Randall, to a room where I shifted, showered and changed into a flowing blue dress, black flatts and a jean jacket. It felt nice to be clean and to wear clean clothes. Something I will never take for granted again.

"Cay, let me do her hair then you can see her." Karina's voice flirts through with Caden's scent and I bristle at how close she was to him.

The door soon opens and she walks in, smiling at me as if I was an old friend and I frowned.

"Who are you to him?" I demanded her, watching as her face becomes a mask of confusion.

"To who?" She asks and I growl slightly.

"Caden duh!" Was this girl an idiot.

"Oh, don't worry he is my half brother." She laughs out and I blush, feeling ashamed I jumped to conclusion as the jealousy leaves me.

"So seems like you liiiiike my brother." She giggles as she starts to comb my hair.

"Yeah...we're going on a date soon." I mumble out and I get a sigh as a response.

"I'm just happy he is finding love. Our father was a jerk. I mean I am his daughter but he never acknowledged me at all. Serves the man right for getting killed. Caden will make a great king and I know you'll make a great Queen one day." Her words hit me like lightning. If I mate with Caden then I would be the Alpha Queen. But did I want this.

"There, a hair style fit for a Queen." My thoughts are interrupted as I look to the mirror. Karina's face one of delight as I look to my own. My hair was styled exactly like Elsa's from frozen and I couldn't help but laugh. It suited me.

Maybe being Queen will suit me too as long as I was with Caden.

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