9 - Grace

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I jerk awake as the scream of a girl pierces through my dreams, shivering as I realize the towel was no longer covering my naked body. I prayed that my scent was hidden.

"No, stay away!" A girl cries and it takes everything in me not to rush out of my hiding spot to help her, my hand reaching for the towl as I grip it tightly.

"Come on girly, you practically want to feel my hard throbing dick in your little tight wet-"

"Leave me alone!" The girl screams and I hear a splash and soon the grunts of a male as the girl sobs, me knowing her body being claimed by whoever was after her.

I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them with the towel still gripped in my hands, focusing on blocking out the sounds of the poor girl crying.

Finally everything quiets and I hear another splash, the guy mumbling how he would take care of her in the nearby cave.

I needed to get away, get to the lodge and fast.

Taking a calming breath I reach for the bag, placing the towel in the bottom and pulling out the clothes, dressing fast and wishing I had an elastic to pull my hair into a ponytail. But I knew that it wouldn't help much.

Letting my senses take hold, I listen for sounds of movement, relief flooding into me as my search comes up empty, no other wolves in my vicinity.

Quietly I lower the ladder and climb down, leaving my shelter of the willow and heading to the pebled shore.

I was on the wrong side of the river but I was lucky, the side I was on was lined with pebbles while the other side was mudd and sand. At least I could continue up river undetected with no tracks left beind.

Smiling I make my way towards my destination, the setting sun leaving me no light, but that was fine by me. It seemed like most of the action took place during the day while those who have their prize keep busy in the night.

I wonder how many she wolves are still free and if Amelia was claimed. I think, wondering about my friend. I knew she had a boyfriend she has been with for two years. Both had been excited for The Run since they came of age but unfortunately Briden was sent out for a scouting mission and couldn't participate. The truth was the Alpha didn't like him he wanted his daighter to be claimed the traditional way, to be broken to submission so that her mate could take over as alpha and not her.

Maybe I should look for her. I knew she would have my back and we would make it out as free she wolves in the end. She had Briden who loved her more then anything else and I had a bet to win, not to mention a father to prove a point to.

But I decided to just keep walking, a sad sigh escaping my lips. I loved my friend but I was to determined to win not only my freedom and never having to go to The Run ever again, but also the freedom for wolves in my pack to choose to participate.

With my determination set I continue along the rivers edge, not wanting to stop in case a few males were still preying on the she wolves still up.

I had to keep my senses alert, keep from getting caught and from being forcefully claimed.

The moon was making its ascend into the sky, full and blue and taunting me. I hated it.

If I win this bet I would make sure my future pups never have to experience this stupid mating ritual.

Some where my thoughts wandered and I lost focus, not realizing I had company until my body was pressed into a tree with my bag on the ground and a males scent was surounding me, his lust and power focused on my body as his hands roamed it without permission, ending at my breast with his errection pressed against my ass.

"Hello my dear prize."

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