12 - Caden

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The cry of a male holwing in pain reaches the cave and causes me to bolt awake, jumping into guard position as I snarl, ready to attack who ever cames near.

The rustle of some one catches my attention and I turn, stoping my snarling when I see Amelia sitting there with her bag beside her and some baggy clothes on.

"Seems like some one is fighting." She states and I huff a breath, sitting down and staring at my friend.

"You know it would be a lot easier to talk to you when you shift." She states annoyed and I give her a grinn, my tongue lolling out the side of my mouth.

"Caden seriously shift." Her face dead serious as she gives me piercing look. After rolling my eyes at her I turn around and shift, grabbing my clothes and changing quickly.

Turning to face the female Alpha now fully clothed I see a look of worry etched onto her face as her eyes haze over, lost in thought.

"You okay?" I ask, walking over to the blond wolf and crouching infront of her, catching a tear before it could fall past her cheek.

"I'm scared. That cry earlier was one of two things. That a she wolf faught back finally or a male wolf got to him to claim a female." The pain in her eys reach mine as she looks at me, and I give her a comforting hug

"I just want to go home to my Briden." She states with a quiver to her voice. She was hurting and all I could do was comfort her until she shows me this weakness. I knew she trusted me even though we've only known each other for a few hours.

"Lets get moving, find Grace and hopefully we all make it out alive." I say cheerfully, pullng away and pokng her nose n a brotherly gesture,  getting a laugh from her.

"Okay." She agrees and we stand, gathering our bags and heading out of our hide away.

the moon was starting to rise high into the sky and I couldn't help but enjoy the peacefulness of the forest, if only we could enjoy this place without the run, everyone would be happy.

The river was easy to find and we continue our way up stream, looking for any signs of Lady Silver. I still prefer the nick name over her own name and soon I hopefully will be able to call her that to her face.

Keeping an eye on the forest, I turn to look at Amelia, watching her eyes brighten as she sniffs the air, taking off at a slow jog and leaving me no choice but to follow her.

"She's close, I can smell her." The girl states and I look everywhere, my eyes scaning the forest near the river for signs of silver hair.

Movement ahead catches my eyes and I see a willow tree, watching Amelia pick up speed as she scurries under the weeping branches, only to pop out when I reach the ancient tree, peppermint and roses filling my nose.

"She's not here but it looks like she spent the night. We might have missed her by an hour, maybe two." She states, happiness in her voice as she looks up to the blue moon.

"Soon we can leave this place." I say, a smile on my face. But deep inside I was worried. I had six more days to find a mate, or at least a girl who would go out on a date with me.

My thoughts turn into one of despair as I think about the chance of loosing my title as heir. If I didn't find a mate soon then Felix would take over.

A sharp tug at my left earlobe has my mind releasing me from my worries as Amelia drags me past the willow and further up river.

"Ow ow okay, can you let go now. Please." I state, trying to keep up with this short female.

"You going to pay attention?" She asks and I nodd.
"Good." With that my ear is released and I breathe a sigh of relief until a groan  from further ahead has my senses on high alert.

"What was that?" Amelia whispers.

"Some one in pain." I whisper back, steping infront of her and making sure she stays close to me, feeling her body going rigid.

"Sh-she was here Caden. Grace was here." Fear laces her voice as I turn to look at her briefly, seeing her wide eyes and I take a deep breath, scenting the air.

The smell of peppermint and roses fills my scence of smell, this time stronger then by the willow. The groan of pain enters my ears and I look down at a crumbled figure by a maple tree, seeing that his face held fresh tears and his pants were down, a very broken part vissible with purple, almost black, bruising on the man's shaft.

"Who did that to him." I shudder, my hand going to protect my groin as sympathy fills me.

"Grace." Amelia's voice deadpans and I stop, staring at the man groaning in pain but unconscious, sympathy for the man leaving me. If he had laid a hand on Grace it makes sense on why he is in this condition, that is if what Amelia says is true.

The wind behind us blows as we continue up  river, leaving the wolf to his pain as we continue to look for Grace. We were up wind, our scent moving towards anyone who was neer and with the approaching sunlight I knew we had to find shelter soon.

"Morning is coming." I state to Amelia and she sighs.

"I know. I was just hoping we would catch up to her soon." Despair falls into her voice, a future Alpha needing the guidance of her best friend and chosen Beta.

"There's a cave just over there we can rest in." She says, taking my hand and leading me away from the river but still in the direction we need to keep walking.

Suddenly the forest stills and a feral grown sounds just to our left, from the direction of a river.

"Grace don't!" Amelia screams before I feel myself being tackled away from my friend with an angry wolf on top of me for the second time since The Run started, and sharp teeth against my neck, saliva dripling onto me.

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