35 - Grace

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That sound reverberating around the hospital room I was in as I glared at my father.

"You're a filthy bîtch!" He screamed at me as my hand reached for the throbing part of my face.

"No I'm not. I won The Run and the bet with out being mated." I state calmly, smirking at the man who was ready to kill me, his own daughter.

"No, you're a slüt that kept Amelia away from that wolf. She could have been mated by now and instead she is in the arms of that warrior." He accused me and I shrugged, laying back in bed.

"At least she is with the love of her life" something I won't have with you here. The last part was my thoughts as I rolled my eyes at the man, seeming the make him angrier.

"Maybe I should claim you instead." My father growled out and I looked on in horror as he lunged for my bed. All I could do was scream as he came closer and time seemed to slow down. Then he was crashing into the wall to the left and Caden was standing infront of my bed facing the man who made my life hell.

"Don't you ever touch her, do you understand." His voice was lethal as he glared at my father with rage, his chest heaving as he fights to controle himself.

"Who the hell do you think you are? That's my daughter and as such I can do anything to her." My father yells back, stepping up to Caden.

"My name is Caden Lyham Wolfrain Alcazaris. I am the crown prince of the Werewolves in North America." He states and I  watch as my father's face changes to one of fear while mine a mask of surprise.

"I guarded Grace and Amelia through the run and they are my friends and I will not let you harm them." He orders and I shiver at the rush of power from him. It made sense now. The secrecy, the way he was being forced from his father to claim a mate. He was my Prince.

"Now get out." His growl snaps me out of my thoughts as my father showed his neck in submission and ran out the door, Caden watching him with hatred before those emerald eyes meet mine and he smiles.

"Hey." He says shyly and I laugh. Gone was the Alpha Prince. Now it was the Caden I knew.

"Whats so funny?" He was pouting and I couldn't help but smile and hold out my hand to him.

"The big bad Alpha Prince becomes shy and meek infront of me." I state as he takes my hand and my smile grows.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this. It was supposed to be kept a secret from every one so that a she wolf didn't force herself on me." He explains and nodd, moving over to one side of the bed and patting the empty spot.

Happiness over took me as he takes the hint and lays down beside me and I snuggle into him, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"I'll forgive you. I'm still upset you didn't tell me from the begining because I don't care about titles. You're still Caden, but you're Caden with more power then I thought." I whisper and felt his arm tighten around me. I didn't want to move anymore as I was happy here with this wolf beside me. Maybe I had a shot at love after all.

"I still should have told you Grace. But if you're still up to it, let me take you on a date." He says and I turn to look at his face, meeting the sincerity of his eyes as he stated down at me.

"I'd love that." I say in a dreamy tone, his smile a glimpse before his lips were on my own and he poured his emotions into that sweet kiss as our lips moved together and I kissed him back with hope for our future.

In this moment we were just us and I hoped we could stay like this as we pulled away and I snuggled closer to him, getting a kiss on top of my head.

"I love you Grace." He whispers and I take in his scent.

"I love you, Caden."

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