8 - Caden

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"Somebody help me." A voice screams out to my left before I hear the grunts of a male claiming his target. I was repulsed and angered at how some one could just rape an innocent girl for his own gain. And with the power of the moon I knew that she would go into heat and he would ravish her body now that she was his.

With a rigid body, I turn away and keep walking, heading towards the river and praying that the girl's new mate was a kind one in the end.

Since the gun went off an hour ago sounds of sex and rape have been filling the entrance of the forest, the slow or the weak being targeted while those who already knew who they wanted willingly accepted their union with the male they had gotten close too.

I wasn't interested in this at all. My mind was set on helping the girls I could and hopefully I would meet up with Lady Silver.

What most people thought was that the colour of a werewolf's fur was random, that it would be shown with the first shift. But the truth was that our fur reflected our natural hair colour so I knew just by looking at her fur that Lady Silver was gifted with rare silver hair.

Normally werewolves were born with the generic shades of brown, blond, black, white and red hair but every now and then a silver or even a gold haired wolf -like myself- would be born. It made us silver's and gold's outcasts some times depending on what rank you were born to.

Too preoccupied by my thoughts I didn't notice the she wolfe stalking me until it was too late and I was face first in the hard dirt, her snarling muzzle by my ear.

"I'm not your enimy." I say quietly, relaxing my body and letting her angry body press down on my submissive one. I spoke the truth, I had no intention of hurting her nor do I want to claim her.

Time passed with her growling form still ontop of mine, he r posture relaxing with every minute until I felt her weight shift and she was no longer pinning me.

Carefully I move, hearing her growl again as I turn my head to look at her, holding my hands in surrender until I was sitting crossed legged infront of her snarling form, the hues of blonde fur filling my vision.

"I won't claim you, I'm not like the others." I say, sliding my bag off of my back and placing it infront of me, getting another menacing growl from her and the snap of her jaw a little to close for comfort.

"Relax, I'm just grabbing you a shirt." I say frustrated, quickly grabbing the long sleeve from my bag and throwing it into her face before she could clamp her sharp canines into my throat.

With a look that said don't move or else, the she wolf grabs the shirt and pads behind a tree, quickly emerging back as a small girl with long blonde hair.

"Thank you." Her voice is soft but I sensed power in her, definitely an alpha's child.

"Don't worry about it." I smile at her and stand, holding my hand out to her cautiously.

"Caden Wolfrain, from Wœlf Haven and future alpha." I introduce myself, feeling her firm grip fold into my hand.

"Amelia Farefield, from Silver Birch and also future alpha. I'm actually looking for my future beta Grace Havest." The girl, Amelia, says and quickly releases my hand to lean on the tree beside us.

"What does she look like?" I ask, sitting back down on the ground and closing my eyes. I was exhausted.

"She is the silver wolf that ran into the forest first. My dad made a bet with her and I wanna help her win. You see my boyfriend was sent on a scouting mission so he couldn't participate in the run and I snapped on my father." She sighs and pauses for a moment, my eyes opening again just in time to see a look of betrayal and hurt, most likely caused by her father, crossing her doll like face.

But I finally get the name of Lady Silver.

"He was adamant about me being mated and pregnant with heirs by the end of The Run and I know that Grace will protect me because she doesn't want to be here. She wants to fall in love like I did with my baby." She finishes as her eyes fills with tears she refused to shed and I stand up, giving her a hug.

"My father wants me to take a mate forcefully but I want love, so I'll protect you even if I lose my title as future alpha." She sniffles after my statement and nodds into my should, feeling her pull away after a few deep breaths.

"Knowing Grace she is by the river. She is our best swimmer in the pack and with her fur she looks like a fish in the water." Amelia says.

"Well, lets head to the river." I say, taking Amelia's hand and leading her towards the sound of water in the blue forest.

Grace Harvest, I cant wait to meet you. I think with a small smile.

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