21 - Grace

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The men had gone, only two Ragers were left guarding this room and I stayed where I was, my paw covering the keys. The other females were worn out, their weak bodies having no fight left and I fought the urge to growl.

The female who had helped me kept her eyes on me, her eyes questioning me and I shook my head. Now wasn't the time. She nodded in understanding and looked away, waiting for me to set us shewolves free.

Time passed slowly and everytime the she wolf looked at me I shook my head. Any moment now and those guards will be asleep and when they're lost in their dreams I'll shift and turn this place into a nightmare. But time was ticking slowly and life was losing itself to sleep.

Snores sounded softly finally from the two Ragers and I grinned as best as a wolf could before the sounds of my shifting sounded quietly, the collar around my neck now looser as my human form took centerstage.

Grabbing the keys from my corner in a quiet rush, I unlock the heavy object and place it quietly on the ground, rushing towards the shewolf and freeing her from her restraints.

"Keep quiet and help me with the others." I whisper and hand her a bunch of keys, her head bobbing in compliance as she turns to the nearest wolf.

As quick as we could we went through the group of she wolves, going through key after key until every last one of us were free and the only thing standing in our way were the Ragers.

"Leave them to sleep, we can get out of this if we stay quiet." I state in hush but seriouse tones getting greeted with the girls nodds in understanding. I could tell they were weaker wolves then the ones I was accustomed to and felt slight pity for them. They never stood a fighting chance of getting out of here at all and if I hadn't had been caught then they would never have been given a chance to escape.

Setting my resolve to steal, I nodd and hold my finger to my lips showing that we all had to be silent and I turn, heading towards the door and testing it to see if it was locked. The others stayed where they were, waiting for me to signal to them and when the door gave way I mentally cheered. It was time to leave and I turn to them with a grin on my face.

One by one they slip out into the hall way one by one with a painfully slow pace, me staying back to make sure the Ragers slept soundly and if they did wake up I would deal with them.

When the last shewolf was out I hold in a sigh of relief. Part one was finished as I slip out of the room, closing the door and heading towards the group of girls who waited for my direction. Being a leader was exhausting and I was glad Amelia was future Alpha and not me.

I smile when the shewolf who helped me with the key hint waited just farther away from the others and as I come near her I noticed that she was shorter then me, her eyes the colour of chocolate.

"Thank you. What can we do to repay you?" She asks and I frown.

"We're not safe yet." I state as I take a deep breath in.

"First we need to find the exit into the forest, then we got to call the guards who take care of Ragers." I say and she nodds.

"Okay but what can I do since you helped all of us?" She tries again and only one thought comes to mind.

"Promise me that if I don't make it you'll find my friends Caden of Wœlf Haven and Amelia of Silver Birtch. Tell them what happened." I say and the girl nodds and I smile a small smile at her.

"Let's go, the hall way looks like it only leads one way and some one needs to keep these girls in line." I say, taking charge. As a future Beta I had to be the one to take the spot as a leader when there was no Alpha around and these shewolves knew it. It was instinct that led them to follow me.

One thing was for sure, if I was going to die doing this escape thing with these shewolves I was taking these bastards out with me and hopefully the girls would escape during the fight.

But all we had to do right now though was make it out alive, or die trying.

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