30 - Caden

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She needs to know but I'm terrified. She hated them. They were the reason why The Run existed. She would hate me too if she knew I was one of them.

My mind raced with my torn thoughts. The woman I was falling for and my own need to keep her away from the chaos of my life. But I could feel the distance growing. It was like day one all over again. Her distrust was showing by the way she leaned away from my body as my paws pounded the earth.

The sun had set an hour ago and we were on our final stretch to finish The Run. It turned out that when we had helped that couple they were already in the direction we were heading which helped a lot.

The trees were a beautiful blue, like the saphire of Grace's eyes. In another time this would have been a beautiful place for a date. But it was the source of many she wolves terror filled nightmares.

Suddenly I feel the weight of Grace's body fully on mine, her even breath telling me she was fast asleep. I could tell by the labored breathing of Amelia that she was tired aswell and I sighed. They were still my friends and even I needed a break from running.

Slowing to a walk, I press my head against the blonde wolf to get her attention and when I do I motion for her to follow, veering slightly to the left and picking up the scent of water. Where there was water a cave would be near by.

For a few minutes we trotted past trees, the perfume of fresh clean water getting stronger as the sound of a river reaches my ears. At last the river comes into view and I watch as Amelia gallops into the waters, splashing around like a pup before greedily gulping it down.

I chortle a laugh as best as I could in wolf form and pad down the bank, catching a crop of rock that held an entrance to a cave. Giving a yip to Amelia, I watch as her head springs up to look at me cocked slightly to the left before she notices the cave behind me and bounds forward, heading into the cave before I follow.

As usual the blond wolf claims the corner of a mattress that sits to the far back. Had to praise the committee for this...event. they knew what to place in the shelters.

I knew from the time I spent with the little Alpha that she was fast sleep and so I had to carefully slide Grace off my back and onto the matress, shifting quickly to take the bags off of her and lifting her bridal style to lay her down in a more comfortable.

"Mhm...Caden." Her voice was a soft sigh and I smiled gently, grabbing a pair of tracks from my bag and laying down beside her, watching her sleep.

"I'm sorry Grace but you have to trust me. I'll tell you everything soon. I promise." I whisper, trailing my fingers softly down her cheek and into her hair.

With a soft kiss to her lips, I lay my head on the matress and let my eyes close shut, not before i felt Grace turn into me and snuggle close.

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