5 - Grace

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The truck finally came to a stop and I lifted my head, the sky slightly darker as the sun began to set. I could hear voices and I sigh, realizing it was two of my den mates as the doors to the truck open and slam shut, their bodies apearing at the other end as they lowered the door to the back of the truck and start to remove the cage beside me, there hands gloved to protect them from the silver and Amelia giving me a look of dread as she was lowered and most likely carried to the starting line where they would be released.

Time passed and the two wolves finally returned, lifting the cage I was in while I growled agrily at them. I didn't care if I looked farrel, I was hungry and tired and they most likely knew that but it was a way to keep me weak so that I could be taken down quickly by a male.

Fat chance I think, laying my head back down as a slow rumble of hatred could be heared from my chest, turning my head every now and then to snap my jaw at my den mates.

There was still a few hours left before the blue moon would show, just waiting till midnight when it would be at its highest peek. My night mare would begin and if I didn't make it out as an unmated wolf then I would lose my freedom.

With a puff of breath I stop growling, realizing that all the growling, snapping of sharp teeth and farrel actions were drawing unwanted attention from the more power hungry wolves, the ones looking for a female they could break into ultimate submission, I refuse to be one of them.

With a flick of my tail I close my eyes, playing indifference to the idea when I  reality I wanted to go out and destroy all those males.

Laughter and voices reach my ears and I frown. I knew that many people wanted to be here in hopes of securing a powerful mate that would protect them and their pups and I was repulsed. I hated this place and these people already.

Male wolves started to walk by the cages, sizing up the ones who tried to break out of the silver cages to attack them, I just pretended they weren't there, that this wasn't happening.

My acting payed off as the stupid males rolled their eyes at me, their whispers reaching my ears, "She's harmless..." "Why is she even in a cage..." "let the weak ones have her.." and so on. Let them think of me as weak, I would show then eventually just what I am like.

The moon began to rise, first its silvery grey hue as it climbed higher and higher. Coordinators of The Run climbing ontop of the cages waiting for the right time when the doors would be open and we could run into the forest.

They were already mated so they were no threat to us inside these prisons and we knew just who we wanted to sink out fangs into. So we she wolves waited.

The wind was a soft breeze blowing behind us and bringing our scents into the forest, this was good. It gave us females a better chance at our freedom as mateless wolves. I gave a wolfish grin once more as I stretched my body, taking in my surroundings.
On my left were about fifty cages, wolves growling and snapping at whomever got near. On my right were females in their human form, lining up and stretching, some showing their bodies to the males who couldn't wait to claim them and I roll my eyes in disgust. 

I wanted out of here.

I wanted freedom.

Slowly the wind stoped and everything seemed to stand still, not a breath could be heard as the full silver moon started to turn blue.

It started with the edges, a blue ring  wraping itself on the outer part of the silver planet, shimmering in the sky as the air took on a mystical feel, something akin to glitter filling the space between the starting line and the forest in a shimmering veil. A barrier.

Slowly the blue started to move, swirling magically as it danced around the silver surface of the moon to a song only it could hear as if the Moon Goddess was siging to it. It was only a matter of seconds before I would be released.

Taking a deep calming breath, I close my eyes.


The men shifted above the cages, grabbing the lock.


Male wolves changed as the sound of clothing tearing could be heard


The frantic growls of the caged she wolves fill the silent night.


I take one last deep breath.


The cage doors are released and I open my saphire coloured eyes, dashing out of the prison and into the forest, the first to reach the safety of the trees that were once green but now glowed blue like the moon, dodging them and making my way as quickly as I can to the sound of water.

Seven days. Thats how long I had to make it to the lodge as an unmated female.

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